Is Healing Needed So You Can Shine?

Is Healing Needed So You Can Shine?

One of the biggest misunderstandings out there is that healing takes a long time.

This may be true if you try to ignore, avoid or escape the learning available to you from the wound.

However, when you learn to acknowledge, learn from and move through the wound, it can heal quite quickly.

What do I mean by a "wound?"

I mean anything that continues to disturb your peace.

A wound can be turned into love, compassion and grace when you work with it NOT against it.

I know this process intimately.

I've been through it. And I've spent over 13 years helping people with this process.

I used to think I was going to have to grin and bear my wounds for my entire life.

It created shame, anxiety, self-loathing, resentment and just a general unhappy disposition to the human experience.

Meanwhile, my spirit was joyous, happy and free.

You can imagine the friction that my human experience was creating for my spiritual being.

Learning Spiritual Psychology changed all of this for me.

It provided me principles, paradigms and practices that I didn't have in my life.

And these principles, paradigms and practices became a new operating system for me.

Had I bought into the misunderstanding that healing was going to take too long, I wouldn't be where I am now in my spirituality or quality of life.

I had a laundry list of judgments, resentments and grievances against myself and the world.

Yet all that laundry list did was make me feel bad.

I knew there had to be a better way to experience myself and life and jumped at the opportunity to learn new skills, new thinking and a new way of being.

Are you in need of a new operating system?

Are you willing to engage the process so you can have a more enjoyable experience of yourself and life?

Please know that healing can happen fast when you put yourself around the right process, support and accountability. And by all accounts, now is a GREAT time to heal.

My transformation through Spiritual Psychology happened in about 2 years, which is relatively fast for how long I stayed in suffering.

If you are feeling like you don't know what you need or how to heal, please know you can reach out to me.

I'm happy to have a conversation with you and support you in finding your next steps.

Saying 'yes' to healing was one of the hardest choices I made.

I thought it was going to all be too overwhelming. However, the truth is that living in suffering from avoiding wounds is WAY harder than healing.

That's the truth.

The cost of not healing is just too high.

And the benefits of healing just too great not to embark on this incredible journey of self-discovery, spiritual learnings and increased quality of life.

Happiness, peace of mind and true enjoyment can be had through healing.

My message today is in support of you resolving your wounds so that you can live a fulfilled life.

With love and grace,



Beverly Sartain MA, CAP, PCC的更多文章

