Healing Meditation
Andreas Kanias
Chief Instructor Kansei Karate School, Karate Instructor, Kata Competitor, Nutrition Coach & Writer
Healing Meditation
During this difficult time, I’ve found that meditating every day has helped keep me positive and a lot happier. Along with daily exercise and eating healthy nutrient-rich food.
In my book, The Secret Signs the Universe Wants You to Know Second Edition, I talk about the kind of meditation I do. I’ve made it part of my morning ritual of wellbeing for the past five years without fail. Every morning, after breakfast, I’ll lie down on my comfortable bed propped up by two pillows and meditate.
Meditating daily has helped keep my anxiety levels down and, for someone who has suffered many panic attacks, has helped me be more in control of my thoughts and feelings. Especially at this time where so many of us are worried about corona virus. Since, the virus showed up, I’ve been concentrating my mediation more on healing and gratitude.
Below is my typical meditation. You can do this in the morning, afternoon or evening before bed. I love doing it in the mornings whilst the birds outside are still singing. You can put some calming music on in the background if you prefer. And if you have an Alexa, ask her to play some natural sounds of birds or some relaxing music.
Here goes...
I begin my meditation by closing my eyes, the window slightly ajar. I breathe deeply in through my nose and focus on the breath going down into my belly, then I breathe out slowly and say the word ‘relax’. At the same time, I feel my whole body relaxing and imagine all my weight falling underside of my body. I’ll repeat this three times and keep saying ‘relax’ on every exhalation. Aim to breathe right down into your belly, hold it it for a moment and then breathe out emptying your lungs gradually.
I’ll then repeat the above but, this time, I’ll imagine breathing in healing, positive, happy energy and all things good, and breathing out doubt, fear, worry, illness and all negative energy. For instance, I’ll breathe in love, healing energy, happiness, confidence, courage, strength, belief and faith and I’ll breathe out worry, stress, fatigue, fear, doubt and illness.
Once I’ve done this and feel totally relaxed, I’ll begin to send love to my whole body and then to everyone I know. I will send love and healing energy to myself (mind and body), to my family, friends and to the whole world. Sometimes, I may think of someone in particular at that moment. If so, I send special love to them because they MAY just need it and it’s the Universe letting me know! It’s also important to mention, that I send love to those I may not be getting on with. Especially if I think of them while meditating. This helps me to let go of any grudges.
I then ask the Universe for its powerful healing energy to envelop me. To fill my whole body and wash out any negative energy including fear, doubt, illness, worry, stress, tiredness, and all things that don’t belong in my body or mind. I imagine this powerful, godly energy as a bright, white, beautiful and intense light that radiates through me and also projects itself out of my body like an aura repelling any negative energy coming in. I take time with this and aim to imagine every ounce of my body being touched by the light, washing and vibrating any unwanted energy away. If there’s a particular part of my body that needs extra healing, I’ll imagine the healing light brighter and even more powerful where it’s needed.
I’ll continue to do this for a number minutes and really feel its healing power having a great effect on my body.
I will then send this healing energy to my loved ones and imagine them filled and surrounded by it, healing them and washing away their negative energy. I’ll send this healing energy to them and then the world along with love imaging them as healthy, happy and well.
I’ll also pray for healing of the world and for peace on earth. I’m not deeply religious but I believe prayer is like an intention and it still works.
I’ll go on to thank the Universe for the new day, and another opportunity to make great things happen. I show gratitude for various things like my warm bed, the roof over my head, my success, or whatever comes to mind at that moment.
I will then state my intentions, desires and goals, and aim to visualise each of them. I imagine myself being the person I want to be. Successful, positive, happy, healthy, courageous and talented for example. Note, when doing this, be specific. Being successful is one thing, but how are you successful? Are you a dancer, a writer, a top retailer? Make sure it’s something you really want. Keep your mind on this for a few minutes. Use words like ‘I AM’ or ‘I HAVE’ in affirmations like ‘I am full of radiant perfect health, healing energy, vitality and a strong immune system.
Once I’ve imagined my goals, I will then say some affirmations to help combat negative thoughts and doubts. See below for examples of affirmations I use. Affirmations said time and time again have a hypnotic effect thus allowing you to switch your mind to a positive state when you find yourself thinking negatively.
Finally, I come back slowly to the room by counting down from five to one before I open my eyes and say ‘thank you’ once again for the new day. This won’t be easy at first but stick with it because it gets easier and, trust me, it will make a big difference to your life and in this present moment of uncertainty.
Healing Affirmations
My mind is calm and I think positive thoughts at all times and in all situations!
I am full of radiant perfect health, healing energy, vitality and a strong immune system!
I accept everything that happens to me, I trust my mind, body and soul to deal with it naturally and I am at total peace with myself!
Perfect health comes easily and I am so happy and grateful!