A Healing Heart
The days aren't as heavy as they were in the beginning. While I still have my moments, still dream about my dad, and miss him dearly, the weight of his loss isn't as crippling as it initially was. Thank God! I got through it with faith, love from my family and friends, and therapy. Now, I am finding ways to pay tribute to his life. I recently took up scrapbooking as a hobby. My first book is dedicated to him. All the things he loved and the love he poured into me. This is one of the ways I will honor his memory while expressing my creative side to the world.
We all find ways to cope. In the throes of grief, the very thought of living again, of doing things you once loved, or trying something new is unimaginable, but as time passes and as the pain becomes more bearable, you find ways to manage around and through your grief. Some use their experiences of it to help others on their journey. I hope and pray if you are in the midst of loss, that you eventually have the strength and wherewithal to come up for air and live again. Honor the one or those who lost through living a full and joyful life. A life you and they would be proud of...