Healing Financial Limiting Beliefs
Perla Tamez Casasnovas
Serial Entrepreneur | Thought Leader & Public Speaker | My passion is empowering others to reach their true potential! | #LatinaPride
Limiting beliefs can be tricky things. Many times we aren’t even aware of their existence, and we carry on with invisible shackles which inhibit our potential. Because they are so ingrained in us, often from childhood, they can be hard to let go of, comforting us almost like an old friend. To begin healing any limiting belief, we must first look it in the face, investigating and accepting the story it tells about ourselves.? Financial limiting beliefs take this a step further since money is a vital aspect of everyday life. Whether money was scarce and food on the table was uncertain, or it was abundant and you never had to learn to manage it, we all have emotions and preconceptions about money that may still affect us to this day.
Our monetary habits and beliefs significantly influence our quality of life. A healthy, functional relationship with money is imperative to reach our higher aspirations. How do we get to the bottom of our financial limiting beliefs?
I like to start with a few deep breaths to get centered. Breathe deeply, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly. Repeat as many times as needed.?To get a good idea of your general standing with money, start by imagining what you would do if you win the lottery. I’m talking about the biggest Powerball. Let your mind go without limits. Would you start a new business? Would you stop working altogether? Get to the bottom of your biggest dream without the limitations of money.?
Think back to your childhood experiences with money. What do you remember? If there was an excess of money, and you never had to think twice about spending it, perhaps you lack an understanding of the value of things. On the other hand, if money was scarce, and uncertainties and shortages plagued your childhood, that can ingrain an individual with a scarcity mindset. Did you understand why there was a lack of money in your household? Did you feel responsible to contribute? When you have money, does it make you feel abundant and generous? Or does it make you anxious, like you have to conserve and protect it? What are the stories you tell yourself surrounding money? Anything that may come up, write it in your journal. In the answers to these questions, you will find clarity about the origins of your relationship with money.?
What would signify success for you? It’s important to consider that success is often relative to our origins and what some consider a norm (i.e., a college degree) is a massive undertaking for others. Is financial success something that feels tangible to you? Is it something you’ve achieved or been close to, or do you have to work for? What in your life would indicate that you have reached financial success? Is there even a point at which you would be satisfied? We must ask ourselves these questions so that when we are finally blessed enough to reach our goals, we can accept abundance and treat it with respect. Money is a resource meant to be utilized to live. It is intended to be shared, to spread joy, and to provide. Sometimes there is a lot, and other times not so much, and regardless you will be okay if you are aligned with a greater purpose.?
After asking yourself questions and doing the work, try this exercise. For every limiting belief you have discovered, write it down with its positive inverse. For example, if you believe you can’t buy yourself a new car because of anxiety surrounding big purchases, write something like “I CAN buy myself a new car because I’ve worked hard for it, and it will take me to work every day. It will take me to the grocery store. It will provide my family and me with transportation.”?
Awareness is the first step towards healing; healing is never a straight line. Know that you are progressing in the right direction by engaging with this content. Start asking uncomfortable questions, put yourself in awkward positions, and I promise you will be better for it. If you enjoyed this article, you can find a video-format course in the Latina Empire Mana Lounge along with a corresponding workbook. Thank you for reading, and happy healing.?