Healing-Feel-Good-Fill-Your-Boots Meditation
Rebecca Lowrie
Helping spiritual explorers awaken to their full, true selves and most embodied presence.
Find somewhere comfortable to sit or lie down
Close your eyes, relax your jaw, your belly, your spine
Take some long, slow, deep breaths and relax your body even more
Set the intention for anything which no longer serves you to gently drain down the length of your body, out of the soles of your feet and into the earth (where it will be beautifully composted)
Tune into your body and energy system and see if you get a sense of the 'stuff' leaving your system.
Keep going for as long as you wish or until you start to feel a bit lighter, more spacious.
Then choose one or all of the following:
1. Think your sexual energy on. Perhaps you feel it like a glowing, tingling sensation in your hips, thighs and genitals. Use your in-breath to draw it into every nook and cranny of your body and energy system. Fill your cells with it. Light yourself up with it.
2. Start to draw earth energy in through your feet, up to your legs into your genitals and eventually, through the whole of your body. Let it ground you, nourish you, stop you from wobbling.
3. Start to draw the energy of the cosmos (Universe, Source, all-that-is, whatever works for you) in through the top of your head, into your face, neck, throat and shoulders, and eventually, through the whole of your body. Feel the potent potential of all of creation lighting you up.
4. Gently open your heart energy centre, not just in front of you, but behind you and all around you. Use your in-breath to draw unconditional, universal love in from the universe. Fill your whole body and energy system with it. Breathe it in, and out in a gentle rhythm.
With all of these options, fill yourself up, let it overflow from your cells, bones, organs, your very DNA.
Notice that there is no end to the energy, it is abundant and neverending.
Use one at a time or combine them as you feel drawn to.
Stay in this place for as long as it feels good.
Return to it any time.