Healing Begins with You

Healing Begins with You

At the beginning of Spring, an individual with several health issues reached out.? Their health concerns were significant. This person had been referred to me from a past client.? The health issues being faced were not critical but, they were at a tipping point, and sliding towards destination unwanted. After a consultation call, discussion of options, and what the health issues were, she decided to work with me in the capacity of both Medical Qigong practitioner and Coach. The issues were resolved. The individual was thrilled.?

Fast forward several months.? The client was continuing to work with me in a coaching capacity. One session they revealed that another issue had come up. The issue was very minor and common; something many people deal with daily. The client wanted me to treat them with Medical Qigong again.?I said no.?Yes, you are probably having the same reaction that they did. What? No? aren’t you supposed to help me??

Our conversation continued. I explained that this was a valuable learning point. The issue was not serious in any way. I asked her to trust me but, if she really wanted a treatment, she would receive one. She listened and at the end agreed to wait until the following week.

The following week I asked her how this new “issue” was going.? She was happy to report it was all cleared up.? During the week before our next session, the client had done their research, consulted others, and chosen a course of action that worked for her. On her own, she had resolved the issue.? More importantly, she had taken control of her own health.? ?

Read that last sentence again.? She took control of her own health! That is the purpose of this article.? To remind everyone that your health is your responsibility.? What preventative actions are you taking in daily life? How are your actions assisting the individuals offering treatment? What level of involvement are you giving the healing process? There are many wonderful Doctors, Psychologist, Massage Therapist, Reiki, Medical Qigong practitioners, Ayurvedic practitioners, and Herbalists to name a few healing modalities.? They do amazing work. These individuals, however, are there to assist you in the healing journey. They are not responsible for your health. You are!

We all need assistance with our health at times. If you need assistance, expertise, and treatment then absolutely seek it out. Keep in mind, however, that getting that assistance does not mean you drop the responsibility for your health. Putting the responsibility of your health on others, is usually a dead end.? Signing over your health to someone else, hoping they will “fix” you, usually does not yield the greatest results.? Many individuals do truly miraculous work in helping people rediscover good health. The success of your journey too good health, however, has a foundation built upon you being an active participant in the healing process. Too be truly healthy, you must own that responsibility. The best health care plan in the world is offered by YHC Inc. (YOUR HEALTH CARE), and it is absolutely, Free to sign up. ??




