Healing Back Pain is a 2-Step Process -  Part 2
Healing Back Pain is a 2-Step Process Part 2

Healing Back Pain is a 2-Step Process - Part 2

As discussed in Part 1 of this article:

  • Back pain is unbelievably common; four out of five people suffer from it
  • In most instances, a severe illness is not the cause
  • Most back pain conditions can be resolved quickly, and even a slipped disc can usually heal by itself

The most common misconception about back pain is that one needs to rest. Unfortunately, this usually does more harm than good.

Rest is the old-fashioned treatment of choice for back pain. We now understand that bed rest for more than a day or two harms the spine because:

  • Your bones, muscles, and ligaments weaken fast.
  • Your spine stiffens and loses control and coordination.
  • You may get depressed, causing the pain to get worse.
  • You will find returning to an active, everyday lifestyle increasingly challenging.


  • It makes you feel good.
  • It releases natural chemicals known to reduce
  • It improves coordination and control of movement and builds fit muscles and stronger bones and ligaments.
  • It makes you generally fit.

However, wrong exercise selection and poor movement biomechanics make things worse.

A large and complex group of muscles work together to support the spine, helping hold the body upright and allowing the body's trunk to move, twist, and bend in many directions naturally.?

Soft tissues around the spine also play a crucial role in supporting your spine. Therefore, using the correct exercise selection to rebuild the synergistic muscles improves the full range of motion of the muscles and will hold the spine in balance while avoiding the types of activity that aggravate the condition.


Most disc-related injuries occur from repetitive micro-traumas, often leading to debilitating conditions. Daily stress from poor movement biomechanics, poor posture, muscle weakness and tightness, and poor lifting techniques eventually wear down the ligaments and supporting structures. When an incident happens, the disc is damaged.

The state of muscular and skeletal balance protects the body's supporting structures against injury or progressive deformity.

In other words, it is your muscles that hold your spine and your body together!

Dr Fitness USA's Back Pain Relief Formula follows these principles.


If necessary, the equipment or exercises are modified or adjusted to support your body ergonomically, enabling you to adapt and process the movements efficiently and alleviate unnecessary muscle strain to remove risk factors that lead to musculoskeletal injuries.


Without the proper strength ratio between exercises in your program, chances are you will put your body out of balance, not relieving back pain permanently. Dr Fitness USA's proprietary weight ratio system corrects muscular imbalances and ensures the body transforms into a balanced, proportionate pain-free physique.?

Active Stretching

Active stretching, hidden in the performance of each exercise, enhances passive stretching by building strength. As a result, the muscles become more robust and flexible and mold the body into perfect alignment.??


"An axiom in bodybuilding is that weight training is excellent for preventing back problems, only if you weight train correctly says Dr. Leroy Perry, a chiropractic orthopedist and president of the International Sports Medical Institute in West Los Angeles and long-time supporter of the Dr Fitness USA's training protocol. If you train incorrectly, you can invite, rather than prevent, back problems. Just because you are a bodybuilder, does not necessarily mean you will have good posture and be pain free".

Two Types of Sufferers

  • The avoider fears the pain and worries about the future, rests a lot, and waits for the pain to go away.? The people who avoid activity suffer the longest, often facing surgery, potentially losing their jobs, and becoming disabled.
  • The coper deals with the pain by taking positive actions.

Back pain is not a severe disease. How the pain affects you depends mainly on how you react to it and what you do about it.?


How to become pain-free

  • Live life as normally as possible – keep up daily activities.
  • Stay fit – start gradually and do a little more every day
  • Be patient. Remember that you may have good days and bad days. Do not give up with the first recurrence of pain.
  • Take control of your pain
  • Educate yourself
  • Call Dr Fitness USA 424-245-6560



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