Healing America's Narratives

Healing America's Narratives

Today, July 4, 2022 is the 246th Birthday of the United States.

In October of this year Healing America's Narratives: The Feminine, the Masculine, & Our Collective National Shadow will be published. It is my birthday gift to "us" and our country.

“…courageous, compassionate, wise, and visionary…. Brilliant. Thoroughly researched and referenced. A tour de force. Read it.” —Bill Plotkin, Ph.D., author of?Soulcraft?and The Journey of Soul Initiation

If you'd like to read some excerpts, visit https://reggiemarra.com/ and click on either book cover on the landing page. You will have access to a 171-page, downloadable PDF that includes:

  • drafts of the front and back covers
  • reviews, table of contents, and Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Chapter Two
  • Chapter Eight
  • Appendix I
  • Notes
  • Index

“…offers the possibility that troubling truths may also be a healing balm…. an aching love story to an America capable of healing through an evolving imagination of human meaning and possibility.” —from the Foreword by Maureen Walker, Ph.D., author of When Getting Along Is Not Enough: Reconstructing Race in Our Lives and Relationships

If you find the excerpts to be of interest and/or value, please share this page, the link, or the PDF with anyone else who might be interested in a book of this nature.

Healing America’s Narratives?bears blunt, bold, eloquent witness to the hidden assumptions and attitudes that have shaped America's history and psychology. Reggie Marra achieves something extraordinary here…” —Trebbe Johnson, author of?Radical Joy for Hard Times: Finding Meaning and Making Beauty in Earth's Broken Places

Here's a brief publisher's blurb:

“Both cautionary tale and love letter, Healing America’s Narrative’s provides historical, psychological, cultural, and political context for the mood of America in the third decade of the twenty-first century. Looking through the lens of the country’s collective Shadow—what we deny about ourselves and project onto others—the book lays bare the myths and denials that bring the United States to its current time and place. Relentless evidence supports the argument that America’s national Shadow is dominated by unhealthy masculine energy and that it lacks and longs for integration with the healthy feminine. Marra explores increasingly comprehensive, inclusive, and complex perspectives on the larger scope of the American experiment. With clear language and letting no one off the hook, in each chapter he invites us to ‘re-vision’ our cultural givens so that we may heal and integrate our individual and collective stories.”

Again, Healing America's Narratives is forthcoming in October, 2022.

“Marra brings voices together, rightening history with unprecedented accuracy. In his voice we find a confluence of narratives…. In his hands, history is a living source of healing.?—Marianela Medrano, Ph.D., author of Rooting: Selected Bilingual Poems



Reggie I am gobsmacked at how generous and how brilliant you are. I’m so lucky to have you in my circle. Can’t wait to order and read. We here in the North watch with interest and trepidation what goes on in the USA.


Thanks for another excellent contribution to human development and evolution, Reggie.


Reggie Marra, MA, PCC的更多文章

