Headshot Tip of the Day: Full team corporate branding is about "Consistency".
Marty Moran
Headshot Photographer | We Study Eyes | Promotional Storyteller | Image Developer | Brand Strategist |
Full team corporate branding is about consistency.
How many times have you seen the entire board members shown on the company wall and none came from the same camera or had the same lighting? It’s confusing to the public. They do show their feelings about that.
A brand that gets noticed is one that looks consistent “wherever it goes, whatever it says, and whatever it does”. Its actions are consistent with the message. That’s how a brand gets noticed. No mixed messages.
If the corporate headshots looks inconsistent, it gives a different brand message. That is so true especially with corporate board members who may have had their headshots done in separate instances with their own individual companies.
Of course, if you think you’ve “arrived” or “earned” your way, you may very well deem a headshot as unimportant. However, people might be still looking for you. It’s just that they won’t find you. Or don’t care about you. You then become irrelevant.
Imagine how many times a headshot is used in a corporate setting. Periodicals, brochures, annual reports, events, and websites to say the least. How many times will you allow your unflattering headshot to be presented to your public. How many times will they cringe at your photo, OR be drawn in by your competitor’s great headshot?
Think about your headshot. Is it doing you or your company justice? If not, just like a bad employee, you should fire it and hire it done right.
If you want to connect EVERY time, get that headshot done right. We put your best face forward.
Call/text: 317-912-4323
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.whitehotheadshot.com
Corporate group rates are available as well.
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