Heads Up, The FDA Has Released an Update to Its Intentional Adulteration Guidance
Derrick Payne MSFS, MSPH, Ph.D.
Global Food Safety & Public Health Leader
Last week the FDA released a supplemental update to its industry guidance to comply with the intentional adulteration rules. What is new?
The update contains information on how to comply with the management component requirements of the food defense plan. They include
- Food Defense Plan Verification Activities
- Food Defense Plan Monitoring Activities
- Food Defense Plan Recordkeeping Activities
- Food Defense Plan Re-Analysis Activities
The plan also includes information regarding small and very small businesses.
Click here to view the updated draft guidance
The FDA is scheduled to start auditing Food Defense Plans next month (March 2020)
A huge compliance need is to have people who are qualified to conduct the various food defense plan activities. The Food Safety Doctor LLC has several FSPCA Food Defense Intentional Adulteration Qualified Individual (IAVA-QI) training events scheduled in cities across the U.S.
Click here to view The Food Safety Doctor LLC's IAVA-QI Certificate Training Events
Do you have a need for inhouse IAVA-QI, FSVP-QI, or PCQI Training? No. Problem!!! Click Here and Tell Us How We Can Help