headlines from the house of fear
Kelly Giles
U.S. Immigration Law Clerk, Reg. Canadian Immigration Consultant, Writer/Storyteller &Human Rts/Peace Activist-Freelance
How the world really works..."ISIS and the IRA": Half my life ago, while over in London for a law school semester abroad program, I spent a long weekend visiting my adoptive Irish uncle in Belfast, (I would later learn that I was also Scots Irish by blood), and had him drive me through the neighborhoods where most of the "Troubles" had been taking place. I will never forget him telling me that the British had known who the key IRA leadership were all along, and could have ended the troubles decades earlier by hiring mercenaries to take them out. But there was too much money being made on both sides for that to happen. Half my life later, and the world still hasn't woken up to this reality."