Headline: Sexual Harassment

News headlines continue to be dominated by allegations of Sexual Harassment. From Hollywood, to politics, or to the business place, harassment has become the hottest topic. As HR professionals, we are challenged to deal with this difficult situation. Sexual Harassment is a form of sex discrimination that not only violates the law but also is very damaging to both individuals and entire organizations. One in three women have been sexually harassed at work and many do nothing because they feel it will impact their career. Training along with anti-harassment policies and procedures can be effective in letting employees know where the company stands and allow potential victims direction in reporting violations. Labor Law Compliance Center is now offering award winning training videos using realistic situations that engage and entertain the viewer while simultaneously reinforcing boundaries and legalities in regard to harassment. Because we believe in this training we want to offer these videos to you.

           ?Labor Law Compliance Center, LLC

The only issue I have with the current environment is we seam to be judging, convicting and punishing on alagations and not on due prossess. What happened to "innocent until proven guilty"



