Heading to Microsoft Inspire?
Michael McLaughlin
VP Strategic Alliances and Co-founder & Co-host of the Previously Learnt podcast
Inspiring Partnerships at our first @Microsoft Inspire
Working at Thoughtonomy has taken me to some interesting places around the world, but my next business trip will one of epic propositions – in almost every way.
So where are we going?
Las Vegas (baby!) – Thoughtonomy are sponsoring a stand at Microsoft Inspire which is taking place between 15-19th, July. It’s Thoughtonomy’s first time at Microsoft Inspire conference and it is very exciting (and epic in many ways), as there will be a combination of over 40,000 Microsoft Employees and Microsoft Partners attending this event.
This will be my 8th time in Vegas (again an epic combination of presidents clubs, global kick offs and a holiday) and I am still looking forward to it – although I am going to miss my family. This will be the first time I have attended a conference and it is the possibilities that excite me – who I will meet, what we will get up to (!), the conversations, the potential partners, spreading the Thoughtonomy word (please note I am parking the epic jet lag i suffer from, the epic sore feet from the standing all day, the late nights & the early mornings, the epic 40+ degree heat, the epic hangovers (if my manager or wife is reading this – this outcome is unlikely!) to the back of my mind…)
I think one of the reasons I am so excited is that we at Thoughtonomy have had such an exciting year so far and one of the highlights is the launch of our new Evolution Edition: Our Intelligent automation platform with Microsoft AI, OCR tools, Self serve portal and Chat bot all included, under 1 licence and 1 support model – which is just epic! So I am eager to be showcasing that.
Stand 1926 by the way…
But the main reason is the potential partners I could met. I am now completely focused on partners. I moved over to the partner team last year from direct sales and I just love the breadth and diversity of partners and the way they work.
We also have a new partner program which is being launched this month and we have really ambitious plans to expand our channel in 2018, so we will be actively recruiting partners at Microsoft Inspire - so come along and see me.
I still cant get my head around 40,000 + people attending a conference, 40,000+ potential relationships or 40,000+ tired people meeting and greeting on a daily basis. It is going to be epic and I am so looking forward to meeting everyone – even with a potentially epic hangovers (I am not going to lie – I am looking forward to it for many reasons!)
Hopefully see you in Vegas - it is going to be Epic...
Who should I contact If I’m attending Inspire and would like to meet the team?
The Thoughtonomy team is available throughout the Microsoft Inspire Event to talk all things Intelligent Automation with anyone that is interested. The main contact for the event is me and my email [email protected] So, if your customers are looking for a way to improve efficiency, cut costs and enhance customer experience, then please drop me a mail or get in with us via our website https://thoughtonomy.com/