Heading on Extended Vacation this Fall? Take These Steps to Prepare Your Home
Many people, whether you are a snowbird or want to visit relatives for the holidays, decide to leave their main residence in the winter and it is often for an extended period of time. When doing so, it would be wise to ensure your home remains in good condition and is secure while you aren’t using it. Today, we will be discussing the several steps to take when you are leaving your home to go on vacation.
First, having adequate security to ward off break-ins is a must. Research has regularly indicated that burglars are deterred by loud noises that announce their presence. Having an alarm sensor at front doors, side doors, and windows to broadcast the possibility of a break in is wise. Having a doorbell camera in this era seems essential; if anyone tries to mess with your property, you will have a better chance of identifying them. Many systems offer a panoramic view of your property as well as many different screens showing footage from the various cameras scattered around your property. Also, many security systems allow people to talk into a speaker, to intruders (or guests), from wherever they are. Usually, you can choose to talk through the security system’s app on your smartphone directly to whomever is standing outside your house. Some companies, if you notify them in advance, will have security guards on-call to respond should any alarm go off. Signage that clearly signals that you have an alarm may cause thieves to pass on your property as well.
Your valuables need to be stored safely. Jewelry can go on vacation with you or to the safety deposit box. Other easily “converted” property such as computers should be locked out of sight. There is some debate about this option, but having cameras inside your home can be a good idea. These can be set to record what is going on and alert you to motion. They can also give you an alert to things beyond a break-in like water or wind damage. Depending upon your personal comfort level, they can be turned off when you are back home. ?
You also want to make sure it does not look like you are not home, leaving an empty house open to thieves. Having motion-sensor lights will make intruders feel in the spotlight. Leaving exterior lights on, illuminating the front porch, is also wise, but it is important to have them set on a timer or remotely activated. Having the exterior lights on at noon is a sure sign that you’re away. Lights inside the home can also be remotely activated or set on a timer. This allows you to vary the time and room that is illuminated, again making sure they are off at bed time.
When taking care of your furnace, there are several things to keep in mind. First, you can lower your home’s temperature to a “degree”. Doing so will reduce your heating bill for the time that you’re away. But not too low or the money saved could be more than eaten up by damages to your home. There is no perfect temperature, but most experts say that you should be safe holding at about 15 or 16 degrees. They also recommended to set your thermostat’s program at a constant temperature and allow it to work as it should. Lowering the temperature at different times of the day or night can invite a problem. It is a good idea to open all of the internal doors in your home. This allow air to flow evenly throughout the house and avoid pockets where it is too cold or too warm. Also, leaving any windows open, even a crack, can burn your heating bill, aside from the obvious possibility of intruders and water/ snow damage. Check them before you leave.
You may find it worth it to turn off your water. The shut off valve is usually in the basement near the water heater. When temperatures reach below zero, discontinued use can cause freezing and possibly bursting. When water freezes, it expands, and so will your pipes until they give out. This is easier to prevent than to fix. A common course of action is also insulating pipes with foam. This is usually only needed in colder parts of the house or in areas where pipes are exposed. Frequently running the tap will prevent freezing, but assuming no one will be in your house to run it, it is best to insulate. When things go wrong, they can go really wrong. We’ve set the furnace to cover this issue, but if it goes out or an ice storm causes a prolonged power outage having the water off could prove to be a great decision.
Of course, human intruders are not the only intruders to worry about. To prevent pests like mice from getting into your home, an ideal warm spot to hibernate in, make sure your house is clean. Food should not be left in the fridge to rot, dirty dishes with food on them should not be left in the sink, and garbage should not be left on the floor or on the counters. Not only will this help you avoid pests, but you will also evade mould and bugs, and allow you to come home to a nice environment.
It will be a good idea to ask your neighbour, friends or family to run their snow plow up your driveway. Not only is it dangerous for possible meter readers, utility workers and such, but burglars may be attracted to an unplowed house because it signals vacancy. While your friends are there, they can remove any flyers or advertising papers that have been dropped off. You can arrange with Canada Post to have your mail safely held at their office. They will suspend service for as short as a day or for as long as it takes until you return. Packages and renewed credit cards are great finds for criminals.?
An option is to bundle much of this and to hire a Property Management company. Ideally, you will want to be sure that they come from a trusted referral and have strong references. Bonding and insurance are important.
When leaving your house for the winter, winterization is essential to prevent all the headaches you will otherwise face upon your return. Let your future self enjoy a vacation without having to worry about your house falling apart when you are gone.?
First, having adequate security to ward off break-ins is a must. Research has regularly indicated that burglars are deterred by loud noises that announce their presence. Having an alarm sensor at front doors, side doors, and windows to broadcast the possibility of a break in is wise. Having a doorbell camera in this era seems essential; if anyone tries to mess with your property, you will have a better chance of identifying them. Many systems offer a panoramic view of your property as well as many different screens showing footage from the various cameras scattered around your property. Also, many security systems allow people to talk into a speaker, to intruders (or guests), from wherever they are. Usually, you can choose to talk through the security system’s app on your smartphone directly to whomever is standing outside your house. Some companies, if you notify them in advance, will have security guards on-call to respond should any alarm go off. Signage that clearly signals that you have an alarm may cause thieves to pass on your property as well.
Your valuables need to be stored safely. Jewelry can go on vacation with you or to the safety deposit box. Other easily “converted” property such as computers should be locked out of sight.
There is some debate about this option, but having cameras inside your home can be a good idea. These can be set to record what is going on and alert you to motion. They can also give you an alert to things beyond a break-in like water or wind damage. Depending upon your personal comfort level, they can be turned off when you are back home.??
You also want to make sure it does not look like you are not home, leaving an empty house open to thieves. Having motion-sensor lights will make intruders feel in the spotlight. Leaving exterior lights on, illuminating the front porch, is also wise, but it is important to have them set on a timer or remotely activated. Having the exterior lights on at noon is a sure sign that you’re away. Lights inside the home can also be remotely activated or set on a timer. This allows you to vary the time and room that is illuminated, again making sure they are off at bed time.?
When taking care of your furnace, there are several things to keep in mind. First, you can lower your home’s temperature to a “degree”. Doing so will reduce your heating bill for the time that you’re away. But not too low or the money saved could be more than eaten up by damages to your home. There is no perfect temperature, but most experts say that you should be safe holding at about 15 or 16 degrees. They also recommended to set your thermostat’s program at a constant temperature and allow it to work as it should. Lowering the temperature at different times of the day or night can invite a problem. It is a good idea to open all of the internal doors in your home. This allow air to flow evenly throughout the house and avoid pockets where it is too cold or too warm. Also, leaving any windows open, even a crack, can burn your heating bill, aside from the obvious possibility of intruders and water/ snow damage. Check them before you leave.
You may find it worth it to turn off your water. The shut off valve is usually in the basement near the water heater. When temperatures reach below zero, discontinued use can cause freezing and possibly bursting. When water freezes, it expands, and so will your pipes until they give out. This is easier to prevent than to fix. A common course of action is also insulating pipes with foam. This is usually only needed in colder parts of the house or in areas where pipes are exposed. Frequently running the tap will prevent freezing, but assuming no one will be in your house to run it, it is best to insulate. When things go wrong, they can go really wrong. We’ve set the furnace to cover this issue, but if it goes out or an ice storm causes a prolonged power outage having the water off could prove to be a great decision.
Of course, human intruders are not the only intruders to worry about. To prevent pests like mice from getting into your home, an ideal warm spot to hibernate in, make sure your house is clean. Food should not be left in the fridge to rot, dirty dishes with food on them should not be left in the sink, and garbage should not be left on the floor or on the counters. Not only will this help you avoid pests, but you will also evade mould and bugs, and allow you to come home to a nice environment.?
It will be a good idea to ask your neighbour, friends or family to run their snow plow up your driveway. Not only is it dangerous for possible meter readers, utility workers and such, but burglars may be attracted to an unplowed house because it signals vacancy. While your friends are there, they can remove any flyers or advertising papers that have been dropped off. You can arrange with Canada Post to have your mail safely held at their office. They will suspend service for as short as a day or for as long as it takes until you return. Packages and renewed credit cards are great finds for criminals.??
An option is to bundle much of this and to hire a Property Management company. Ideally, you will want to be sure that they come from a trusted referral and have strong references. Bonding and insurance are important.?
When leaving your house for the winter, winterization is essential to prevent all the headaches you will otherwise face upon your return. Let your future self enjoy a vacation without having to worry about your house falling apart when you are gone.?