Headhunting: The Key to Attracting the Talent that Drives your Business

Headhunting: The Key to Attracting the Talent that Drives your Business

In recent years, recruitment has evolved significantly with the emergence of new forms and channels that offer companies innovative alternatives for attracting talent. Among these options, headhunting stands out, an approach that allows employers to identify and attract highly qualified candidates, especially through digital platforms such as job search engines and social networks. This has transformed the recruitment landscape, allowing organizations to access a large pool of candidates that previously would not have been possible (Mani, 2012).

The term "headhunter", which literally translates as "headhunter", refers to consulting firms dedicated to the search for high-level executives. In this context, human capital is considered the DNA of the knowledge economy, and headhunters have emerged as valuable links in the employment chain (Luci, 2012). As Barpanda (2008) points out, one of the keys to headhunting is creativity, an approach that allows headhunters to differentiate themselves in an increasingly competitive market.

According to Sampayo (2014), the selection process carried out by the headhunter corresponds to the following:

1. Conducting a profile: A process in which the headhunter asks the organization for the necessary information about the position (e.g.)

A process in which the headhunter asks the organization for the necessary information about the position (education, professional experience, salary conditions, etc.).

2. Selection of the recruitment sources to be used

This can be the use of professional networks (Xing, Linkedin, Viadeo), networking or the search for candidates. (Xing, Linkedin, Viadeo), networking or searching for candidates in companies that are the for candidates in companies that are competitors of the client of the client. With regard to the latter, the headhunter establishes contact with the companies with the aim of finding the name of the person who will occupy the of the person who occupies the position to be filled. In order to achieve this, they invent pretexts that will eventually to reach the desired person.

3. Explain the job profile and request information from the candidate

Once the person is contacted, the job profile is explained and, if necessary, the candidate is asked for information. The job profile is explained and, if the candidate is interested, a resume is requested. It is common for the headhunter not to disclose which company he/she is working for company. In this case, there is no reason to be suspicious, as this is done for reasons of confidentiality or just so that the candidate does not have to reveal the company confidentiality or just so that the candidate does not reveal the company that is company that is requesting it.

4. Conducting the appropriate interviews

Which are curricular or by competencies. Of the candidates selected as finalists, a report is prepared and sent to the client to the client.

5. Presentation of finalists to the client: Consists of the candidates going through the interview process with the appropriate company. In this process, the client has the last word and makes the final decision.

Therefore, although it seems to be a simple process, headhunting can become a rather complex process, especially since the candidates, in most cases, are working and do not plan to start a new professional project or leave the organization to which they belong (Sampayo, 2014).

On the other hand, it is up to the head hunter to ask the company that hires him for the search of a certain professional to offer a minimum of incentives that ensure the highest probability of being able to obtain the affiliation of the person sought, therefore it is expected to be told that the position to be performed by the candidate has a good salary, that there are possibilities for growth, that there is a good working environment, international contacts, among others (Consejería Empresarial, 2015).

However, headhunters face significant challenges, such as opportunism in the industry, where their compensation depends on their success in placing candidates. Despite this, their ability to access passive candidates-employees who are not actively looking for a new job-saves companies time and eliminates the need for an extensive selection process (Mari?o, 2014).


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