Head in the Sand or Facing Reality? Avoiding the "Ostrich Standing" Trap
Prashant Kumar
Top 40 IT & Tech Influencer in Singapore | 20+ Years in Industry 4.0 Digital Transformation| Digital Twin | Energy Management (Data Centres, Buildings & Factories) | Factory Automation | Top Video Creator | 100% my views
The Power of 2 Minutes - Daily Motivation #270 (12th March 2024)
We've all heard the saying "burying your head in the sand like an ostrich." It refers to avoiding or ignoring problems, pretending everything is fine when it's clearly not. This behavior, often called "Ostrich Standing," can be incredibly detrimental in our personal and professional lives.
The High Cost of "Ostrich Standing"
I've recently encountered many professionals who lost their jobs due to restructuring. One individual, a C-level executive, knew about potential job cuts for a year but took no action. He assumed a lucrative European opportunity awaited him, which fell through. Now, facing financial difficulties, he's starting over with a significant pay cut.
We often hear advice about saving and investing young. How many of us truly take that advice seriously? I readily admit I was an "Ostrich" in my younger years, focused on spending and neglecting saving. By 35, I had no savings and no house, while my peers were settling down. Ignoring reality had consequences.
The Benefits of "Saras Crane Standing"
The Saras Crane, known for its stillness and focus, represents the opposite of the Ostrich. Here's how adopting a "Saras Crane" approach benefits you:
,Developing Your "Saras Crane" Skills:
Here are some ways to cultivate a "Saras Crane" mindset:
Learning Resources:
_Note: This daily newsletter reflects my personal views, with the sole intention of helping each other grow and focus, not to insult or demean anyone. I'm always happy to discuss and hear your perspectives!
#GrowthMindset #OvercomingChallenges #Resilience #SelfAwareness #CommunicationSkills #ProactiveProblemSolving #ThePowerOfTakingAction #AvoidingOstrichStanding #EmbraceTheSarasCrane (147 characters)