Platform ideas in Jordan
Mitri Muna
INSIGHT Business Solutions (Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O, BC and HR & INSAN HRMS Cloud software Solution CEO.
Young people spend a lot of time dreaming of making big; come up with an idea for a platform, get together with a college friend, program the idea, launch it and pray for the billions. Tell me you didn’t have that dream yourself? liar.
The business of platforms (aka Digital Transformation) is in fact a new business model for an old and existing business or process that is usually so entrenched, it will be hard to change it without really having a good idea and smart head of business. All professionals agree that the programming part of the idea is the easiest component. Afterall, it is a business, and successful businesses need good financing, value propositions, launch strategy, monetization strategy, marketing, growth plans, staffing, legal obstacle maneuvering, on and on.
My message to all you entrepreneurs who have the fire inside in trying your luck at the riches, that there is nothing wrong in seeking consulting in the Digital Transformation arena. Many smart ideas failed because of too much fantasizing and less research. Case in point are Google and Microsoft when they both tried their hands in the Health Record business. Look it up, they lost billions before throwing in the towel.