He who rests in the shade of spirituality attains eternal bliss
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Bliss means ecstasy or extreme happiness or spiritual joy.!! Eternal means ever lasting and is not affected by time!! As per Vedic literature, one is supposed to be blessed with eternal bliss after attaining self- realisation. One attains self-realisation when one transcends his/her ego and realizes the oneness of his/her self with the universe at large. It is also the realisation that existence of any entity is basically a mental attribute and intrinsically the universe and the human mind are one and the same.
It is generally founded that those who experienced eternal bliss had been mainly saints who devoted their life time to serve God, singing hymns in their praise and going through mystical experiences on and off. According to them God or this universe is timeless and eternal in nature. As per their experience, when the individual realizes his/her oneness with God, he realizes eternal bliss!!
As eternal bliss is much concerned with spirituality…one can attain it by meditation!! There are 7 stages to it.. in case if you wanna know more.. would suggest you to read 'Ishavasya upnishad ' ( ishavasya scripture)!!..Just adding few points here about this scriptures. The Ishavasya Upanishad ( scripture) is one of the shortest scriptures embedded as the “antim adhyaya”( final chapter ) of the Yajurveda. It is a brief poem, consisting of 17 or 18 verses, depending on the recension!!
And is basically concerned with ritual observance and the individual's place in the universe and, in doing so, develop the fundamental concepts of the Supreme Over Soul (God) known as Brahman and that of the Atman, the individual's higher self, whose goal in life is union with Brahman!! Eternal bliss is a state of mind full with extrasensory pleasure. GOD SHIVA, our most beloved spiritual father, is ocean of bliss. If you can always love-fully remember him, you can get “ eternal bliss “ which then become your own “ nature “.
God Shiva is ocean of pleasure, love, happiness, knowledge, bliss, purity, light, might and peace. He is Patit-Pavan means make napak to pak or vicious to voiceless holy. Lord Shiva is Incorporeal beautiful bright point of light and might with mind and intellect.The name Shiva is immortal and not for any body form. Hence his idol or huge statue shivling is made to worship which is also called jyotirling.
God Shiva lives in his supreme abode beyond sun, moon and stars in paramdham also known as Muktidham, Shantidham, nirwandham or soul world and is also our all human souls' sweet Silence home. It is full with golden red pure and peaceful beautiful light called brahm. Eternal bliss relies on self it self. Then, your karma, thinking and divinity dedication come to it. A common man, even being a family man can become saint like lotus in mud.. this also can get super bliss. Whoever is your deity, just dedicate to HIM without exchange deal and that too forever.
Mind the god never does wrong to us, our karma does it. But human habit is to blame god.. he thinks that god is his servant, he paid donation, sweets, gold etc to HIS feet so HE is bound to obey commands.. that's the biggest folly that generate more pains.There is no deal with god that gets bliss.. you need to do karma n bhakti then HE will bestow upon bliss before you demand. Even if you are poor then also you feel bliss and relieved with peace as hardcore fact. Cheers!