Muhammad Muaz Ashraf (CSAA)
Member of Sharia Boards | Certified Sharia Advisor & Auditor (CSAA) | Halal, QMS, FSMS Lead Auditor | Writer | Researcher | Trainer
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Prophet Muhammad ??? ???? ???? ???? said: “He Who Keeps Silent Saves Himself” (Tirmidi, Ahmed)
In the interpretation of this hadith, Imam al-Ghazali has said a very wonderful speech in Ahya al-Uloom. This hadith is a treasure trove and contains many teachings. But in the light of this hadith, especially nowadays, the quality of posts and comments made on social media can be tested. What does this hadith teach us in the context of social media? Here is a summary of Imam Ghazali's speech.
In the hadith, silence has been declared as the cause of salvation. Because whoever is silent is safe from the calamities of language and the calamities of language are innumerable. For example:
Mistakes, lying, backbiting, gossip, hypocrisy, obscenity, arrogance, falsehoods, quarrels and nonsense, exaggeration in speech, distortion and abuse Harassing people with words, revealing people's secrets, covering them up, blaming them, slandering them, etc ... So these are the numerous disasters that are associated with the use of language. And these disasters are not a burden on the tongue, but a pleasure for a heart, so it is not easy to avoid these disasters. Therefore, he who remains silent is safe from all these calamities. And Allah Tala creates a dignity in such a person, he is able to meditate, think and recite, and on the Day of Resurrection he will be safe from the grip of his words.
Then Imam Ghazali mentioned the four types of the word state:
? The word that only harms. This must be avoided
? Word that has neither harmful nor beneficial. Such talk is useless and a waste of time. Thus, should be avoided
? The word that has only benefit. Such a word is praiseworthy
? A word that can be harmful and beneficial. In such cases, silence is the cause of salvation.
In the light of this Hadith and the words of Imam Ghazali, we can review our daily routine as well as the time and days spent and words and comments written on our LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media networks. By adopting the stated principle, one can protect oneself from many calamities and can also save others from oneself.
- Muhammad Muaz Ashraf