Aaron Ellen
100% Confidential Private Men’s Coach UK - One-to-one male specific life coaching in Surrey, Hampshire, London and across the UK
Once whilst being interviewed, Ralph Lauren was asked “When are you most yourself?” and without hesitation, he replied, “I am always myself”…The interviewer looked quite confused.
He went on to say that a long time ago he dug really deep to find out who he was and once he did, he decided to be fully and genuinely himself regardless of what anybody thought or said about it. (Obviously if you have some serious flaws in your character then these need fixing asap because if you don’t they will cost you more than you’ll want to pay.)
So what would you say if an interviewer asked you the same thing?
- Do you know who you are?
- Have you ever taken the time to figure it out?
- Are you being authentically you wherever you are?
- Do you shift and change to fit in, too illicit the desired response or to gain approval?
If you haven’t taken the time to truly figure out who you are and to make peace with it, you will find yourself trapped in an endless and exhausting loop, clinging desperately to those private moments when you finally feel free to let down your facade and relish in the peace of being you, even if only for a brief second or so, after which it’s back to the false smiles and the grind of it all.
Stop doing this to yourself.
No matter what you think peoples opinions will be of the real you, it won’t be anywhere near as bad as you make it up in your head and you will probably be pleasantly surprised.
Aim to always be moving towards who you genuinely are, towards the true essence of who you know yourself to be deep down in your soul.
You’ve certainly had glimpses of this in those moments when you feel truly connected to the source of all things (When you’re looking into the eyes of your newborn child or looking out over the ocean at a breathtaking sunset or dancing in the moonlight or sailing through a beautiful storm. I’m sure you know those moments I’m referring to).
“This is not about being perfect or trying to get there overnight, it’s about getting clearer about who you are and being the real you in more and more places, more and more of the time, until it becomes a normal and natural state for you.”
Now I am not suggesting that you act the same in the boardroom as you do when playing with your children. But once you become ok with who and what you are, then what’s on the inside stays consistently you and that’s really the goal.
It’s about getting nearer everyday to the true and evolving you, until the day comes when you know who you are and you’re ok with it despite what anybody else thinks, does or says.
To being wholly and unapologetically you
Aaron. :-)
Inspired by life and written for you, by Aaron Ellen - Happiness Coach to the Wealthy
My only intention is to help you enjoy your life more and if this helps even one person to achieve that, then it has all been worth it.
To find out more about one-to-one coaching visit: www.aaronellen.com
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