HE IS Ministries
How do author's sell books? Well, most of the time they don't unless they work really hard at getting the word out about their books. I have published one book, and my wife, Connie Cook Worden has published many. We are thankful for those who have read, been blessed, and helped through our books. They are the people who sometime post reviews on Amazon and other sites where our books are sold. Those reviews mean someone read our books and publishing was not just for our own pleasure and cost, but hopefully for the good of another.
Research shows that very few authors make money by publishing their books. So, why publish a book? We can't speak for others, but we didn't really write them to make money, we wrote them because of a calling to share what God has taught us in life with the few who would choose to read them. Reading is a choice. I only read a handful of books a year, and of the few books I do read it has to be a good book for me to even finish reading it. I count it an honor that anyone would choose to read my book, even the ones I give a way.
I am still giving the PDF version of my book to anyone who would try to give it a read. So, let me know and I will send it by attachment by email or messenger.
I was introduced to a lady at the grocery store this past week, whom I already knew. "Yes, I remember meeting you at my book signing, you bought my book." Then I let the inquisitive question slip out without thinking, "How was it?" Why did I ask? The sheepish look gave me the answer before she said, "I haven't read it, yet! I am going to read it." I can't feel bad! How many books have I purchased without ever reading them? Too many! So, if you are interested in learning about our book writing ministry and leaning the title to some of our mostly unread books, you can find some links to them on our updated author website/blog - www.heisministries.net. Only those who read them know if they are a blessing or not. The Amazon reviews will give you a hint! Happy reading in 2024; I hope you find some good uplifting and challenging books to read. Blessings!