He Makes Over $100K Per Month As A High Ticket Affiliate
Adrian Brambila
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Today I’m talking with Alejandro who is a 6 figure affiliate marketer that lives in a van! He flew all the way from Utah to Austin and I couldn’t be more stoked to learn more about his online journey!
Follow along in this blog-style post while I ask Alejandro questions about how he got to where he is today.?
Q: Where are you from? How did you get started?
A: “It all starts in California. I was in the navy and got out about two and half years ago, give or take. My girlfriend then introduced me to the CEO of the company I now do affiliate marketing for and we became really good buddies. Ironically, he lived in a van too. We got to talking and eventually even hit the road with his dogs and him in the van. I fell in love with the freedom and lifestyle he had. At the time, my girlfriend and I didn't know exactly what he did, but we knew that we wanted to live a similar lifestyle.?
Covid had just hit and my girlfriend had to close her really successful gym she had in San Diego. I was fresh out of the navy with no money in the bank. It became apparent pretty quickly that we had to figure out what to do.?
That’s when our friend finally told us what he did. In short, he automates e-commerce sites for large companies like Amazon and Walmart. I was really intrigued by this. He cut us a good deal off of his service price and dove in headfirst. After a few months, we began to make our money back and our income became almost one hundred percent passive.
Soon enough, my buddy mentioned me being an affiliate for him. I had heard of affiliate marketing before but wasn't familiar by any means. I did my research and started to understand the power of the hustle, especially when selling high-ticket items like the ones my buddy offered.
After that first payout, I was hooked. In my first or second month, I had made more from affiliate marketing than I did all year in the navy. We ended up buying the van off of him, adopted the nomad lifestyle, fell in love with making money online, and the rest is history.?
Q: Do you mind sharing how much you paid?
A: “We invested $25,000 which is a lot! I saw that what he was doing worked and had nothing to lose.”
Q: What is the price point of the products you're selling?
A: “Depending on the company you're with, your price point is going to change. I am a client and affiliate so I can answer 99 out of 100 questions that a potential client is going to ask me. Because of this, I get paid the max amount. When we bring on other affiliates, they start out a little smaller because they will most likely have more questions and may still be learning. On average, I make anywhere from $5,000 to 5 figures depending on the sale.”
Q: How much work does it take?
A: “When you're dealing with high ticket customers, no matter what, they are willing to pay for whatever service they need. They are going to waste their time bargaining a lower price. They usually just have a few questions that need to be answered and they are good to go. There isn't much convincing that needs to take place.”
Q: How often are you on the phone with clients?
A: “It comes and goes in waves. I remember in July of 2021, I was on the phone for at least two or three hours a day. Now when I say that, that sounds like a lot to me! To most people, that amount of time seems like nothing. Most of my phone calls last me 10 to 15 minutes.?
The system we are selling is already self-vetted. The key to making a sale is being transparent with the client from the start.”?
Q: What’s your advice for those wanting to get into being a high-ticket affiliate?
A: “First, you must be personable. I have the gift of gab and love talking to people. Second, you should drive to surround yourself with people that are already good at what you want to do. For example, I would listen to Joseph’s calls while in the van with him. I quickly caught on to the phrases he said and the terminology he used with clients. Lastly, you can't be scared, to be honest. Sometimes you have to be honest with a client if you don't know the answer to their question or if you have to deliver an answer that you know they don't want to hear.”
Q: What’s next for you?
A: “What I love about what I do, first off, is that I believe in it. I like helping others and connecting people to services that they will benefit from. I think I’ll always stay with my buddy’s company. I really want to help him grow and expand. We have a dream of taking over the e-commerce automation world! That being said, we are also looking at automating things outside of the e-commerce spectrum so stay tuned!”
A huge thank you goes out to Alejandro for sharing his wisdom and time with me! If you would like to keep up with his endeavors, be sure to follow him on Instagram at @Anchorclanker.?
Peace and God bless.
I make new content every single week, so be sure to subscribe to my Youtube and follow my Instagram @brambilabong and TikTok at @AdrianBrambila. I also have tons of resources and courses on my website that you won’t want to miss. Head over to www.adrianbrambila.com to learn more about what I do and how I live a financially free life.?