He Hears

He Hears

Today's devotional is from What Would Jesus Ask You Today?

"Does he who fashioned the ear not hear?" - Psalms 94:9.

God made your ear to hear, so He certainly understands hearing. What's more, He Himself hears and perfectly understands exactly what you mean! That means God hears your prayers, even the thoughts of your heart, and you don't have to speak to Him in King James English or in perfectly structured sentences and thoughts. You can talk to Him as a friend and confidante.

If that's true, why don't you spend more time in prayer? Why don't you talk to Him more often throughout your day? Since He knows your heart, why do you hesitate to verbalize what you're thinking, since He already knows? Read 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and the spend some time talking to God today, the One who is the perfect listener.


