He Had a Year to Do It in
Biblical Eldership Resources
Church leader at Biblical Eldership Resources
For the Procrastinator
Editor's note: I was going to write a different article for this blog, but just didn't get around to it, so I found this poem in my files instead. I hope you get around to reading it - Chuck Gianotti
He had a year to do it in
So brushed the thought away,
A chap with half his energy
Might do it in a day.
A year! ‘Twas too ridiculous,
As everyone should find;
However, he would get it done
And have it off his mind.
But not today. A few months hence would suit him better still;
Meanwhile, a far less irksome job
Might occupy his skill.
He would not let the matter pass
Entirely from him, No;
And doubtless he might take it up
In, say a month or so.
He had six months to do it in!
For six long months had flown;
Well, why should that alarm a chap
With talents like his own?
The job, whence once embarked upon,
Would soon be rattled through;
However, he would think of it,
In, say, a week or two.
He had three months to do it in!
"Oh brother!" was his cry;
The thing hangs on me like a weight,
Each day that passes by.
Let's see: three months? Ah, that's enough,
But, just to clear the doubt,
Make arrangements for a start
Before the month is out.
He had a week to do it in!
And care was in his glance.
"It's hard," he cried, "that flight of time,
Won't give a chap a chance!"
He still delayed, the swift week passed,
As weeks will ever run,
And though a year was given him,
The task was still undone.
- John Lea in Boys Own Paper (Volume 37 Issue 3, January 1915)