he accosted me in the parking lot…
Kat Knecht
Founder of Soul Driven Success Business Academy for Professional Coaches | Author of Evolve Your Coaching Business: The Ultimate Guide to Success Doing the Work You Love
I was walking across the parking lot of the grocery store just up the street from where I live.
Now… this was back in the day when going to the grocery store was often a daily occurrence. Something I did for fun!
Oh, those were the days.
When I would drop in to grab an item I needed for dinner or pick up a magazine without a second thought.
I was meandering my way through the parking lot in a dreamy state when I heard a man calling out.
I kept walking until I realized he was talking to me. Once I got him into focus I heard him talking about… all these emails he was receiving from me.
Say what… do I know you?
Giving him my full attention now, I heard his story of woe.
He had joined my email list to receive my blog and then, this past week, there had been a lot of marketing emails from me and he had an issue with that.
At first, I was tempted to apologize…… but I stopped myself.
You see, this is my work. A business I love. This is how I make a living. I send out a blog that is intended to inspire or amuse or in some way be of value. That is my number one goal, no matter what kind of message I am sending.
Mostly, I write stories or offer guidance of some kind.
But a few times a year, my message will be about something I am offering in my business: a new program or service, an opportunity to join one of my coaching groups.
I realized this in the parking lot that day
I stopped and explained to this man who had accosted me with his complaint of “too many emails”. I told him this was a part of my work, occasionally sending out marketing messages to let people know about my business offerings.
I still aim to add value with every message I write, even when I am clearly asking people to consider my offer.
I left that conversation feeling good about what I do and how I help people. Right there in the parking lot, I let go of feeling bad about bugging people!
Some of the best things that have happened to me have come about because someone got through to me in a way that I needed. Not necessarily a comfortable or easy way.
Yes, I know… as this man was telling me… there are SO many messages coming at us these days with all the types and hypes in the media.
I choose to trust that, if my message is not interesting or relevant, that the people on my list, in my social media feed will simply move on.
Like the man in the parking lot did!
As a businesswoman, I want to walk a clean line of integrity in the marketplace.
I offer value in my communications. I also let people know about my business offers and how I might be able to help them or someone they know.
How do you feel when you read a marketing message?
A message that resonates or is interesting perhaps?
Or when you feel you are being SOLD to and you don’t like it?
What makes the difference to you?
I would love to know……. AND
I will continue to write my blog primarily to convey a message, to tell my stories that inspire and connect with the people who read my blog and have told me that it matters to them.
I will also proudly announce my business offerings in the hope that they, also, will matter to some of you.
Next week is going to be one of those weeks when I am making such an announcement!
I am excited about the work Curtis and I are doing these days and want to get the word out to people who need the support and community we offer. YOU
You may feel like the man in the parking lot… getting a lot of messages from Kat.
I hope you still find them inspiring and, if you don’t, please simply move on.
I would be tickled pink if you took a peek at what I am offering just for fun!
Then…like I always do….I will soon return to the regularly scheduled inspirational programming you have come to expect.
In Gratitude, Kat