Reflecting on two posts by Yacine BEKKA (https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/yacine-bekka_data-information-debate-activity-7037779968621260800-pVY7?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop) and Ella Copeland (https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/ellacopeland_6-tips-to-speed-up-the-data-journey-ugcPost-7037042598523334656-HMFX?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop), I pondered a bit more about the traditional DIKW model (Data --> Information --> Knowledge --> Wisdom). What's missing, in my opinion, is the Hypothesis.

Think about it, somebody has mandated the collection of data for some overarching purpose. For my discipline, and in particular what drives me, it generally revolves around increasing the confidence and understanding in my geotechnical model. The definition of hypothesis from Oxford Languages is:

a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

A supposition or explanation in my world is a model, be it conceptual (can you draw it on a whiteboard?), numerical (multi-dimensional and variable), or rarely these days physical (e.g., a bucket of boondies with a threaded bar installed and turned upside down to simulate rock-bolting). The explanation is the knowledge layer of the DIKW pyramid.

Limited evidence represents the data layer of the traditional DIKW pyramid.

The further investigation in my mind evolves the pyramidal shape of DIKW into a network shape now, such that obtaining information feeds back for future data collection, you continually refine and adjust collection methodologies and technologies to eliminate bad, inaccurate or imprecise data, even automate the collection of that data.

The inclusion of the element of hypothesis now lets you employ tools such as Chi-Squared, F, Shapiro-Wilk, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Data Similarity Testing (amongst many others) on your data and to do so with confidence.

Importantly, one can then consider if the hypothesis is appropriate for continued use, or if according to Schick and Vaughan (2019) adjustment needs to happen, to consider what they term "Criteria of Adequacy":

  • Testability,
  • Fruitfulness,
  • Scope,
  • Simplicity, and
  • Conservatism.

So, in conclusion, please consider adding the H for Hypothesis into your DIKW models that you employ on your projects and studies, turn the pyramid into a network shape and really critique the connections between all elements of the HDIKW. I reckon that will boost your understanding of the K and W components - Knowledge and Wisdom.


Schick, T. and Vaughn, L. (2020). How to Think About Weird Things: Critical Thinking for a New Age (8th ed.). McGraw Hill Education. New York.


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