HCX Cloud to Cloud REVERSE migration of a 3-tier application
Iwan Hoogendoorn
Principal Cloud Networking Specialist at Oracle, 6 x CCIE, 2 x Book Author, Technologist, Speaker/Presenter and Blogger, Passionate about Cloud Networking
In my previous video, I showed you how to perform a cloud to cloud migration using an L2 extension.
In this video, I am going to show you how to reverse this migration.
The following steps are explained in the published video:
1) Perform the REVERSE HCX Migration from one VMC on AWS SDDC to another one
2) Request a public IP address
3) Create a NAT rule
4) Create a Firewall rule in the Compute Gateway
5) Change the internet DNS
6) Clean up NAT rule, public IP and firewall rule on the site that is no longer used
Have fun watching it!
And let me know if you have any questions with a comment below, or by sending me a message on Twitter/LinkedIn/email.
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