HCEMM Newsletter | November 2024
HCEMM / Hungarian Centre of Excellence for Molecular Medicine
HCEMM is a gamechanger organization which catalyzes reforming changes in the research culture, in partnership with EMBL.
This year's last Science Café visits the Magtár Café at Pécs with two intriguing talks. One will be held by Dr. Zsuzsánna Réthi-Nagy on the amazing frontier field of the gut microbiome. The other by Dr. Lea Danics on turning skin cells into neurons without losing their age-related characteristics - an essential development for better research on age-related neurological disease.
Check us out! Pécs, Magtár Café, November 27, 18:30.
November 12-14, the European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology will be held in Graz, Austria. The module Early Diagnostics of Chronic Diseases for "Jedermann" will feature research group leaders Nazha Hamdani, Tibor Pankotai, Csaba B?d?r and L?rinc Pongor as speakers, with our director general, Christoph W. Sensen holding the chair.
HCEMM seeks to cement a tradition of organizing an annual symposium where PhD students and post-docs get to network and gain experience in poster making, public speaking, giving talks, and other vital academic skills. This is HPPS, the HCEMM PhD / Post-docs Symposium. This year, the symposium will be held at Bükfürd?, Hungary, November 13-15.
The Medica Trade Fair in Düsseldorf November 11-14 will feature thousands of helathcare-related exhibitions from all over the world. This year, HCEMM will be one of them, showcasing the repertoire or instruments and expertise the Advanced Core Facilities can bring to research and development projects.
Meanwhile at HQ
The work on HCEMM's computer cluster is in the final stretch, and the system - a crucial elements of the Scientific Computing ACF - is projected to go online before Christmas.
Sz?gi T, Borsos BN, Masic D, Radics B, Bella Z, Bánfi A, ?rd?g N, Zsiros C, Kiricsi á, Pankotai-Bodó G, Kovács á, Paróczai D, Botkáné AL, Kajtár B, Sük?sd F, Lehoczki A, Polgár T, Letoha A, Pankotai T, Tiszlavicz L. Novel biomarkers of mitochondrial dysfunction in Long COVID patients. Geroscience. 2024 Nov 4