HBU Community Internship Program Going On The Road
Debra F. Bell
National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach / Certified Professional Life Coach John Maxwell Team
Debra F. Bell, Table 3, April 18, 2018, 1:30pm -3:00pm, Building Community-Innovation Through Internship Placement; it's NOT my name in lights but printed on the agenda for the CEIA Conference (Cooperative Education and Internship Association) in Charleston, South Carolina next month. The topic I will discuss in 3 round-table conversations will be around the work of developing a Community Internship program here at Houston Baptist University. The HBU Community Internship Program brings employers together with students seeking internships for credit or seeking experiential learning opportunity. The first semester of the program we saw 60% of the students who joined actually placed with a employer who was also part of the program. There were approximately 20% of the students who found their own placement, and another 20% who were not ready for placement for various reasons. The program doubled the number of Campus Interviews and increased the number of students who participated in Campus Interviews as well. I am excited to share the high points as well as the challenges to developing this program in April with other University Career Services Professionals! If you are an employer and interested in developing an internship program or you have an internship program and are interested in becoming part of the HBU Community Internship Partner Program view more information at www.hbu.edu/internships