HB 1001 - The Report
The new home inspection law HB1001 working its way through the PA legislature also calls for specific requirements for the home inspector’s report. In addition to requiring the report to be typewritten a PA home inspectors report must include all of the following:
- A description of the scope of the inspection.
- A description of material defects noted during the inspection, along with a recommendation that certain experts be retained to determine the extent of the defects. Also included shall be 1) A limitation on the liability of the home inspector for gross negligence or willful misconduct and 2) A waiver or modification of any provision of this corrective action that should be taken.
- If at the time of the inspection, there is visible evidence of the presence of interior mold, mildew or fungi, the home inspector must disclose in the home inspection report the visible evidence and the location and advise the client to obtain a professional evaluation.
- The following statements, set forth conspicuously:
- A home inspection is intended to assist in an evaluation of the overall condition of the dwelling. The inspection is based on observation of the visible and apparent condition of the structure and its components on the date of inspection.
- The results of this home inspection are not intended to make a representation regarding the presence or absence of latent or concealed defects that are not reasonably ascertainable in a competently performed home inspection. No warranty or guaranty is expressed or implied.
- If the person conducting your home inspection is not a licensed structural engineer or other professionals whose license authorizes the rendering of an opinion as to the structural integrity of a building or the building’s other component parts, you may be advised to seek a professional opinion as to any defects or concerns mentioned in the report.
- This home inspection report is not to be construed as an appraisal and may not be used as such for any purpose.
Coming up next: The home inspector and confidentiality.