This is the 109th article in the Profiles in Knowledge series featuring thought leaders in knowledge management. Hazel Hall is an Emeritus Professor in the School of Computing, Engineering, and the Built Environment (SCEBE) at Edinburgh Napier University UK, and Docent of Information Studies in the School of Business and Economics at ?bo Akademi, Finland. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Her main research expertise and teaching interests are in information sharing in online environments within the context of knowledge management. Other interests include information behavior and use, online communities and collaboration, library and information science research, and research impact.
Hazel served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Information Science, Library and Information Science Research, and Aslib Journal of Information Management. She have won a number of awards for research and teaching. These include the 2019 Clarivate Analytics Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award, the SICSA PhD Supervisor of the Year Silver Award 2017, and the 2016 Jason Farradane Award. Her work leading the implementation of the UK Library and Information Science Research Coalition completed between 2009 and 2012 was recognized by the award of IWR Information Professional of the Year 2009, and the 2011 SLA Europe Information Professional award.
Hazel earned a PhD at the (then) School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier (her doctoral thesis considered the role of intranets in knowledge sharing) and a Master’s degree in Library and Information Studies. She studied French and Italian language and literature as an undergraduate at the Universities of Birmingham, Nantes and Paris Sorbonne.
- University of Birmingham - BA (Spec Hons), French, 1982 - 1986
- Edinburgh Napier University - PhD, Computing, 1999 - 2004
- Birmingham City University - MA, Library and Information Studies, 1992 - 1993
- Edinburgh Napier University - Emeritus Professor, 2022 - Present
- ?bo Akademi University - Docent in Information Studies, 2017 - Present
- Edinburgh Napier University - Professor of Social Informatics, 2010 - 2022
- Reader in Social Informatics, 2007 - 2010
- Senior Lecturer, 2000 - 2007
- Lecturer, 1999 - 2000
- Queen Margaret University College - Lecturer, 1989 – 1999
This is what you need to remember:
- Possessive adjectives do not use apostrophes.
- Apostrophes are used in words to denote missing letters.
- Milosheva, M.,?Robertson, P., Cruickshank, P. &?Hall, H.?(2021). The role of information in career development.?Journal of the Institute for Career Education and Counselling2,?47(1), 12-20. [Full text available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Ryan, F., Cruickshank, P.,?Hall, H.,?& Lawson, A. (2020). Blurred reputations: Managing professional and private information online.?Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 52(1), 16-26.?[Full text available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Buunk, I., Smith, C.F. &?Hall, H.?(2019). Tacit knowledge sharing in online environments: locating ‘Ba’ within a platform for public sector professionals.?Journal of Librarianship and Information Science,?51(4), 1134-1145. [Full text available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Ryan, F.,?Hall, H.,?Cruickshank, P. & Lawson, A. (2019). Build, manage and evaluate: information practices and personal reputations on social media platforms.?Information Research 24(4). [Full text available from journal web site;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Middleton, L.,?Hall, H., & Raeside, R. (2019). Applications and applicability of Social Cognitive Theory in Information Science research.?Journal of Librarianship and Information Science?51(4), 927-937. [Full text available from the publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Middleton, L.?Hall, H., Muir, L. & Raeside, R. (2019).?The interaction between people, information and innovation: information literacy to underpin innovative work behaviour in a Finnish organisation. In:?Proceedings of the 81st Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology,?55(1) [Full text available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Hall, H., Cruickshank, P. & Ryan, B.? (2018). Long-term community development within a researcher network: a social network analysis of the DREaM project cadre.?Journal of?Documentation, 74(4), 844-861. [Full text available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Ryan, F., Cruickshank, P.,??Hall, H.?& Lawson, A. (2017). Building identity in online environments: an information science perspective. In:?Proceedings of the?80th Annual Meeting of the?Association for Information Science and Technology 54(1) (pp. 792-793). Oxford: Wiley. [Full text available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Buunk, I.,?Hall, H.?& Smith, C.F. (2017). Skills in sight: how social media affordances increase network awareness. In:?Proceedings of the?18th?European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM)?2017 (pp. 181-186). Reading: Academic Conferences Ltd. [Abstract available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Buunk, I.,?Hall, H., & Smith, C.F. (2017).?Tacit knowledge sharing: the determination of a methodological approach to explore the intangible.?Information Research, 22(1). [Full text available from publisher;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Hall, H. & Raeside, R. (2016). Mapping the UK information workforce in the library, archives, records, information management, knowledge management and related professions. In:?Proceedings of the 79th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting,?53(1), 1-4. [Full text available from publisher;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Ryan, F., Cruickshank, P.,?Hall, H., & Lawson, A. (2016).?Managing and evaluating personal reputations on the basis of information shared on social media: a Generation X perspective.?Information Research, 21(4). [Full text available from publisher;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Ryan, F., Cruickshank, P.,?Hall, H., & Lawson, A. (2016).?Personal online reputation: the development of an approach to investigate how personal reputation is evaluated and managed in online environments.?In:?Proceedings of the 2nd International Data Information and Information Management Conference (IDIMC). (pp. 98-108). Loughborough: LISU. [Full text available from publisher;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Rasmussen, L. &?Hall, H.?(2016). The adoption process in Management Innovation: a Knowledge Management case study.?Journal of Information Science,?42(3), 356-368. (DOI?10.1177/0165551515625032)?[Published version available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Jarman, D., Theodoraki, E.,?Hall, H., & Ali-Knight, J. (2014). Social network analysis and festival cities: an exploration of concepts, literature and methods.?International Journal of Event and Festival Management?5(3), 311-322 [Full text available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Auernhammer, J. &?Hall, H.?(2014). Organizational culture in knowledge creation, creativity and innovation: towards the Freiraum model.?Journal of Information Science 40(2), 154-166. (DOI 10.1177/0165551513508356.) [Full text available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Cooke, L. &?Hall, H.?(2013). Facets of DREaM: a Social Network Analysis exploring network development in the UK LIS research community.?Journal of Documentation, 69(6), 786-806. (DOI: 10.1108/JD-09-2012-0124.) [Full text available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Hall, H.,?Irving, C., & Cruickshank, P. (2012).?Improving access to Library and Information Science research: maximizing its relevance and impact to practitioners.?Business Information Review, 29(4), 224-230. (DOI 10.1177/0266382112470413.) [Full text available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Hall, H.?(2011). Relationship and role transformations in social media environments.?The Electronic Library, 29?(4), 421-428. (DOI 10.1108/02640471111156704.) [Full text available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository;?slides from the associated keynote conference presentation also available.]
- Lumsden, J.,?Hall, H.?& Cruickshank, P. (2011). Ontology definition and construction, and epistemological adequacy for systems interoperability: a practitioner analysis.?Journal of Information Science?37(3), 246-253. (DOI 10.1177/0165551511401804.) [Full text available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Loudon, L. &?Hall, H.?(2010).?From triviality to business tool: the case of Twitter in information services delivery.?Business Information Review, 27(4), 236-241. (DOI 10.1177/0266382110390480.) [Full text available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Hall, H., Widen, G. & Paterson, L. (2010).?Not?what?you know, nor?who?you know, but who you know?already: examining online information sharing behaviours through the lens of social exchange theory.?Libri, 60(2), 117-128. (DOI 10.1515/libr.2010.011.) [Full text available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Hall, H., & Widen-Wulff, G. (2008).?Social exchange, social capital and information sharing in online environments: lessons from three case studies.?Studia Humaniora Ouluensia,?8, 73-86. [Full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Hall, H.?& Davison, B. (2007). Social software as support in hybrid learning environments: the value of the blog as a tool for reflective learning and peer support.?Library and Information Science Research,?29(2), 163-187. (DOI 10.1016/j.lisr.2007.04.007.) [Full text available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository;?slides from the associated conference presentation also available.]
- Hall, H.?& Goody, M. (2007). KM culture and compromise – interventions to promote knowledge sharing supported by technology in corporate environments.?Journal of Information Science,?33(2), 181-188. (DOI 0165551506070708.) [Full text available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository. The content of this article was developed from a conference presentation for which the?full text?and?slides from the associated conference presentation are also available.?This work is related to?Hazel Hall’s PhD.]
- Hall, H.?& Abell, A. (2006).?Who is managing information? Opportunities in the e-information market place. In H. Jezzard (Ed.),?Proceedings of the 30th International Online Meeting, London, November 28-30 2006 (pp. 39-44). London: VNU. [Full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Hall, H.?& Abell, A. (2006). New role realities: avenues for extending the reach of information specialists.?American Society of Information Science and Technology Annual Conference, November 3-8, Austin, Texas. [Full text available from publisher;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository;??associated poster presentation available.]
- Beasley, N., Davison, B., &?Hall, H.?(2004).?Using online discussion to support activities in online tutorials. In Remenyi, D. (Ed.),?Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on eLearning, Université?de Paris Dauphine, Paris, France, November 25-26, 2004 (pp. 7-14).? [Full text of accepted manuscript available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Hall, H.?(2004). The intranet as actor: the role of the intranet in knowledge sharing. In?Proceedings of the international workshop on understanding sociotechnical action, 3-4 June 2004, Edinburgh, Scotland, 109-111. [Full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository;?slides from associated conference presentation also available.?This work is related to?Hazel Hall’s PhD.]
- Hall, H., & Graham, D. (2004). Creation and recreation: motivating collaboration to generate knowledge capital in online communities.?International Journal of Information Management,?24(3), 235-246. [Full text available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository;?slides from associated conference presentation also available.]
- Hall, H.?(2002).?Exploring knowledge sharing in distributed organisations: report on research in progress. In?Proceedings of KMSS 2002: the new scope of knowledge management in theory and in practice, 2-6 September, Nice, France. [Full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository. This work is related to?Hazel Hall’s PhD.]
- Hall, H.?(2002). Sharing capability: the development of a framework to investigate knowledge sharing in distributed organizations. In?Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities, 5-6 April, Athens, Greece?(CD ROM). Athens: Alba.?[Full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.];?slides from associated conference presentation also available. This work is related to?Hazel Hall’s PhD.]
- Davenport E. &?Hall, H.?(2002).?Organizational knowledge and communities of practice.?In B. Cronin (Ed.).?Annual Review of Information Science and Technology?(Vol.?36, pp. 171-227). Medford NJ: Information Today. (DOI 10.1002/aris.1440360105.) [Full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Hall, H.?(2001). Input-friendliness: motivating knowledge sharing across intranets.?Journal of Information Science 27(3) 139-146 (DOI 10.1177/016555150102700303) [Full text available from publisher with subscription access. This paper was republished in December 2001 in the?Proceedings of the 25th International Online Meeting?with the kind permission Bowker (publisher of the?Journal of Information Science);?slides from the associated conference presentation also available. This work is related to?Hazel Hall’s PhD.]
- Davenport, E. &?Hall, H.?(2001). New knowledge and micro-level online organization: ‘communities of practice’ as a development framework. In R. Sprague (Ed.),?Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences?(CD ROM). Los Alamitos: IEEE. [Full text available from publisher with subscription access;?full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
- Hall, H.?(2000).?Online information sources: tools of business intelligence??Journal of Information Science, 26(3), 137-141. [Full text available from publisher with subscription access.]
- Hall, H.?(1999).?Recreating community: a virtual case study.?Education for Information, September, 253-258. [Full text available from publisher with subscription access.]
- Hall, H.?(1998). Networked information: dealing with overload. In?Proceedings of Information Scotland?1997,?Strathclyde Business School, November 4th?1997 (pp. 37-44). Paisley: LACIG Scotland. [Full text available from the Edinburgh Napier repository.]
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Knowledge Management (Documentation and Communication Specialties)
2 个月Prof Hazel's KM profile and work are quite inspiring. Thank you Stan Garfield for letting us know more about and learning from KM leaders and champions out there. ??
Social informatics researcher at Edinburgh Napier University
3 个月Hazel has been an inspiring leader - and is a very good friend!
Finding buyers for the owners of unique homes: Co-Founder & Finance Director, Bees Homes Property Ltd; Managing Partner, knowledge et al; Former President, CILIP
3 个月Dr Hazel Hall has always been a great KIM champion. Well done Stan Garfield for the shout out.
Stan Garfield Dr Hazel Hall what an incredible tribute to a remarkable leader contribution to the field of #knowledgemanagement inspiring and Stan you are such a gifted leader : how do you find the time to be the connector of so many deserving spirits. Stan is your profile done ? Hugs ?? much pride in knowing you and now I can learn about Dr Hazel Hall wow DR. CINDY GORDON ICD.D.