Hazard Recognition is Still Key to Working Safe

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There is a reason OSHA’s General Duty Clause states that employers will provide a workplace free of known hazards. All osha training promotes hazard recognition. Hazards cause injury and damage to equipment and property. Injuries from hazards impact families every year and damage to equipment cost organizations thousands of dollars every year. 

When would you like to get control of the hazards causing injury in your workplace?

Hazard recognition training does not have to be boring! Thousands have attended my Hazard Recognition Workshop and stating... this is the best safety training I have been to in years. Why?

My personal safety training experience began in 1977 where the trainer stood up and read to us, making sure he or she had checked off the boxes of information delivered. It was so boring you avoided the next session asking your boss if you could possibly go out in the heat or cold and work instead of sitting in a climate controlled environment. So.... When I started my career as a consultant, trainer, and speaker my goal was to keep my audience engaged and interested and not falling asleep! My passion for hazard recognition drove me to design this workshop to help as many as I can to See and Act on hazards to Create a workplace where it is difficult to get hurt. Isn't that what you want for your workplace?

Why do leaders and workers like my workshop? Because I am not teaching the use of complex stacks of forms to drive data. My goal is to Keep Safety Simple by teaching what hazard recognition and control is, motivate employees to look for hazards, and encourage them to take responsibility for recognizing and taking action.

My workshop is designed around critical conversations that breakdown a complex process so that it can be easily done on the job site. My goal is not to get rid of your current hazard recognition efforts but enhance them. In most cases I am able to customize and integrate your process into the workshop. It is not unusual for someone to tell me afterwards... Now I understand what the company is trying to do!

Please visit my website at HazardRecognition.com and request a quote so we can schedule a call to discuss how we can work together to improve your organization's Hazard Recognition and Control efforts. You may also contact me by email: [email protected]

Be Safe!

Carl Potter, CSP


