The Hawaiian Missile Alert Fiasco: How One Confusing Interface Caused Mass Hysteria
User experience experts who turn sites, apps, & software into powerful business tools.
In 2018, Hawaiians received a distressing emergency text that said a ballistic missile was incoming (THIS IS NOT A DRILL). For 38 long minutes, the people of Hawaii were in a panicked frenzy—until they received a second text that said it was a false alarm. The Hawaii Emergency Management Agency meant to send out a drill, not a real alert. This one mistake was a culmination of several user interface and process failures.
How (Big, Scary) Mistakes Happen
Screenshots of HI-EMA’s interface make clear that failure was inevitable.
The Risk of Poor Interfaces
Luckily, everybody survived those 38 minutes of panic. But many people could have been hurt. Poor user interfaces don’t just harm the success of a business—it can have a direct impact on the safety of others. If we take any lesson from this event/fiasco, it’s to build digital products with strong processes and best practices in mind. Not just for efficient and successful businesses, but for the safety of those around us.
Ready to learn more about the consequences of poor interfaces?
Read the full article: The Hawaiian Missile Alert Fiasco: How One Confusing Interface Caused Mass Hysteria?