The Hawaiian Honu welcomes you! ?????????????????????????
Agnipati dasi
Agni??Prana?Love??Prana??Loving Energy??Inner Beauty??Inner Peace ????Life Energy ??????? Intuitive????Virtual sessions?
Welcome to the most magnificent island in the world! ????????????
Our beautiful soft sand beaches invite you to enter healing waters of the Pacific Ocean! Our spectacular coral reef enchants you with its ever changing colors and rich ocean wildlife! The Hawaiian Honu gently drifts by the rocks, dolphins and whales joyfully splash out, jumping out of the pristine ocean waters! Colorful, enchanting birds sing the glory of the rising and setting sun! ??????????
Join us at the Conscious Loving Retreats to experience the healing energy of Maui - its precious Mana. ???????????
Come and share with us the Alo Ha Spirit - the Breath of Life - present here on the island of Maui in every breath, shared by the locals with most welcomed and honored visitors! We honor and cherish our precious island and its pristine beauty! ???????????????????????????
Reserve your place now to make sure you are a part of our exclusive group, sharing this unique experience together! Limited places available now! Click the link below :
Aloha Everyone ! ???????????????????????