Is having your business on the internet a good idea?

Is having your business on the internet a good idea?

Well according to a couple of polls done on the internet I have found that about 90% of business owners find it to be good.

Now this is a discussion that can take some time and some arguments or deliberation. We shall run through a few of them here but remember these are all just opinions and thought that you may or may not agree with.

As mentioned, that about 90% of business owners agree with this, I do think that the reason behind it would be that they actually already have their business online.

But what are some of the advantages that having your business online brings to your business? Here are just a few to mention:

  • ?Provides customers an easy way to contact your business and learn more about your products, services and the business.
  • Business website is a badge of trust and makes your business looks more professional, people can see what your business is all about
  • A business website is like a physical shop - people can walk by it until they come in to look at what you offer. So even if they don’t buy something the first time they walk in, they might buy something on subsequent visits.
  • Without a website, your business is virtually invisible. With COVID-19 pushing the global market even more digital, your business will become invisible to those that use the internet, especially via mobile today, that matters the most unless you invest in a website.
  • Many small business owners don’t see the need to invest in an effective business website. A business website will help you capture all of this potential and make your business even more profitable. However, they’re currently missing out on an incredible source of revenue. The following statistics show how important a website is for a local business:

  1. 46% of search on Google include local intent
  2. 97% of users use search to find local businesses
  3. 28% of users purchased an item after a local search
  4. 70% of users will visit a store because of what they found online

  • A business website lets you sell online and will help you capture all of the clients that might not be able to visit your physical store and lose those potential customers and therefor make your business even more profitable.
  • Then with online customers the old word of mouth is even bigger today with social proof as sharing on social media just does that for you. With added value as comments and reviews are highly rated in today’s social media.
  • But one of the biggest things might be the fact that a business website gives you a long-lasting value in your business as you might not actively use it every day but it might generate an income or client generation for years to come.

So, at the end of the day, I still believe that every business should have a website, big or small, online only or the ordinary store on the corner of the street.

But the decision to either create a website for your business or not, is ultimately yours to make. However, if part of your business goals, and I think it should be, is to improve lead generation, visibility, social proof, and authority, then creating a website is an excellent place to start.

Start your own research and find out if this is the way to go forward for you and your business success!!


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May you have a blessed day further.? ????


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