Having Trouble Sleeping At Night?
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Having Trouble Sleeping At Night?

Having Trouble Sleeping At Night? Try this...

Most people toss and turn throughout the night because as soon as they lay down, their mind begins racing! It's like your brain suddenly decides to review all the frustrating or upsetting things that have occurred that day. Or, it will keep you up thinking about the giant To-Do list that awaits you in the morning!

Another driving cause behind insomnia is the fearful belief that if you let your guards down (by going to sleep), something bad will happen. This low grade form of anxiety has kept many from sleeping for long periods of time.

Since we live in a "drug culture," where we're taught that their's a magic pill for all that ails us, people turn to common sleep drugs like Ambien or Melatonin for relief. Yet, these substances often leave you feeling groggy in the morning, if they even work.

Thus, here are 3 things you can do to improve your sleep tonight!

  1. Start winding down 30 minutes before bed. Your brain needs to rev down so turn off the TV, put your cell phone in another room, and use that time for reading, soaking in a warm bath, prayer, mild stretching, or listening to a guided meditation or self hypnosis program (Sound Sleep - https://indyhypnosis.com/product/sound-sleep).
  2. Avoid talking about “upsetting” situations or your To-Do list prior to bed as this will rev your brain back up. Instead, get into a habit of reviewing what you are grateful for. You can also write down everything you need to do, so your mind doesn't keep you awake by constantly trying to remember everything.
  3. If upsetting thoughts pop into your mind at bedtime, pretend you are a movie editor and begin changing the images. Turn off the sound, make the movie black and white, shrink the images down, or give these "movies in your mind" a happier ending by focusing on what you want to have happen or how you want things to work out.

Remember, it’s your mind! Start using it more creatively and you’ll sleep way better...

Tim Shurr, MA, is an expert in Unconscious behavior and author of the book, Get Out Of Your Way! How To Train Your Brain For Success. (TimShurr.com)


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