Having a relationship with God
It's taken me a while to create a space in my day, daily, to spend with God. And God is a word to describe what cannot be described. It represents different things to all of us. Ultimately, it is that great I Am, that state of being we all seek and cannot really find in things, places or other people.
It is within us all, to be discovered once we realize the above. This relationship, like any other, takes commitment and willingness to be still, to set aside time, attention, and any fixed desires and expectations of what we think we want and need.
For me it used to be I would sit quietly IF I had the time. There was always something else I needed to do and I felt I didn't have the time to pray/meditate/be in stillness.
But my desire to understand myself and my Creator, I created a daily space to read, to contemplate and to go within and listen.
And It starts to reveal Itself. God. Presence. Peace. Love. The more I am willing, the more I receive. It's beyond seeming problems, striving or asking.
So now this is my priority. I start each day to meet with Presence. My day is different when I give time to my relationship with God.
You see, God always is. We are always safe, never alone. But we have forgotten. We are too focused on the "outer", believing our happiness is somewhere to be found when it's always with us within to be tapped into.
I hope this makes sense to you who are reading this.