Having the Holiday Blues?
"Island Dolphin" ? Dolphingirl

Having the Holiday Blues?

Feeling overwhelmed, depressed, overly sensitive, or in pain?

You are not alone...

Let's try popping some bubbles (pre-New Years celebrations) of possible misconceptions and beliefs through The Dolphin Wave!

5 RIPPLES of aquatic waves we can start riding (and enjoying), like our friends the dolphins and the whales!

#1. "Home Alone" ~ actually, not true. BREATH TELLS US SO.

In fact, if fears are coming up for you, notice if you're actually holding your breath. Now choose to slowly take a deep breath in and exhale out, or just sing your favorite song. Take time, even if it's 20-30 minutes in your day to do some type of breathing exercise.

Let's talk physics... the Creator of life designed each one of us and all living things to be connected, just though our breath alone. Every moment of the day, our breaths are being shared with 99% of all plants and animals. It's called the 'respiratory function.'

Yep, we are part of the animal kingdom, lest some of us have forgotten that golden ring of life. 

It's not from us trying or efforting extra hard, we're actually equipped with doing it unconsciously, breathing. All activities inviting us to connect with our breath are a gift! Enjoy!

#2. POPPING Your BUBBLES ~ of frustrations, hurt, sadness, and pain.

Try blowing some BUBBLES outside or inside, wherever you're at.

Yes, the ones we did while we were playing as a child. This is an opportunity in remembering our original innocence. With each bubble, imagine some of your stresses floating up into the skies.

Bubbles can be made at home with liquid dish-soap (hopefully biodegradable), water, and a ring of wire. Recipe below.

#3. The RIPPLE EFFECT ~ Wish upon a Star

If it's night time where you are, go outside and make a "wish upon a star." If it's cloudy, rainy, or snowing. Then find a rock.

Pick up the rock or pick a star in the night skies and make a wish OF SOMETHING HAPPY for yourself and then someone else. Now, if you're using a rock, place the WISH rock in a special place.

Believing in the GOOD STUFF only works when we're practicing it, and WISHING lovely and positive things/feelings/situations with others is suportive in taking breaks from "our stuff" and our worries, plus it's leaving ripples. Like all waves, they're returning back to us in amplified folds. The equation of 1 + 1 = 11!

#4. Feeling OVERWHELMED?

"The path of pain is usually the journey of love"

Write down 1 thing you're thankful for and then write down one thing that pains you. Apply love and acceptance to both!


DANCE! Put on 1 song that makes you want to MOVE your body. TURN IT UP LOUD and GROOVE, WIGGLE, AND JIVE!

All the while you're loving on yourself and those 2 things, the one that's making you thankful and the one thing that's making you hurt. Music that you love is the best medicine for both!

#5. Wanting YOUR Life to MATTER?

Step outside of yourself for a moment (to experience nonjudgement and/or the moment)

Do I nice thing for a stranger, human or nonhuman.

There is always someone living in a worse off situation than yourself.

Ex. you sea the same homeless person each day. Try offering them a cup of tea, jacket, or take a few moments to just sea how they're doing and do the introductions you would gladly give to a person you highly admire in life.

Ex: sharing some seeds with a few wild birds, visiting the local animal shelter, or offering to walk your friend's animal companion.

Nonhumans are undertanding us more than we could ever imagine... through "sensing," the first language we learn in our mother's womb.

Wishing each of you ocean blessings and love now and into the New Year!

For more WAYS of connectivity through The Dolphin Wave, visit www.Dolphingirl.org

p.s. Bubbles Science | Super Soap Solution - Home Science Tools

Measure 6 cups of water into one container, then pour 1 cup of dish soap into the water and slowly stir it until the soap is mixed in. Try not to let foam or bubbles form while you stir. Measure 1 tablespoon of glycerin or 1/4 cup of corn syrup and add it to the container. Stir the solution until it is mixed together.


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