Having A Deep Connection With Someone Else Is One Of The Best Feelings You Could Experience
Having a deep connection with someone else is one of best feelings you could experience. We've all felt that powerful instant bond that magnetically compels us to another person.
The moment you feel their energy, you become flooded with a chemical cocktail of excitement,
and a soothing calm sensation that is indescribable unless it is felt.
You each act as a catalyst that magnifies every shared sensory perception.
Within seconds of interacting, time ceases to exist.
Each moment flows into a beautiful symphony that can go on for hours on end.
And these hours feel like minutes.
It's as if you emit a certain frequency that matches with theirs.
Like pieces of a puzzle you synergistically enhance each other in every aspect.
I've come to realize that there are only a few people in our lives that we connect with
on this profound level.
And that is understandable.
Life requires contrast.
However, I truly believe that if we commit to any relationship of depth,
whether it be a marriage, business partnership or a close friendship,
it has to FLOW.
This epic level of connection should be the foundation of every intimate commitment.
When one commits to a mediocre relationship,
they are bound to a long contract of suffering.
And Life's too short to for that.
Never commit to anything mediocre,
if it's not making you better,
it's wasting your time.