Having a Change of Mind
What’s a topic or issue about which you’ve changed your mind?
At this moment there isn’t necessarily a topic to where my reasoning about things or a thing has changed. Various aspects of situations and (text message just interrupted me haha) ‘issues’ change for sure but reasoning about things for me usually stays put. If there was one area to have to put an affirmative answer to this question (for affirmative sake) would probably be in the area of crypto currency having heard that it is worth the investment.
The photos above were captured by me. At this moment my goal is to possibly showcase more of my activity in photography here. You can feel free to follow my ‘adventures’ in photography at poindexterscoffee on Instagram. Photography is ‘cool’ for me and an avenue to where my inner expressions can be revealed. As we all know how valuable each moment for everyone is; photography is that place to where to where those valuable moments we cherish can be ‘stored’.
Recently our website is undergoing more changes to bring radically different styles. Sure this is new for me. About a year ago my schedule did not include maintaining a website (the website was there most likely, but the determination to manage it well wasn’t). The kinks and tweaks to website management seem to be a ‘black-hole’ of ‘not-exactly right’ for me. Thank you for tuning into this article here today; this is not the most exciting of my articles (like that time in my dreams visiting Hawaii), but it is nonetheless fun for me to create. Stay well. :)