Having a blissfully flowy day. How?
Ton Graaff, de
Impact driven | Business driven | Technology driven | Improvement | Multidisciplinary R&D | Agile | Master of Science (MSc), EngD, and Qualified Patent Information Professional (QPIP) at Marel.
Csíkszentmihályi describes in his work that you need for flow your personal challenges and skill-set to get into a flow state. David Hawkins describes that intently being kind and so loving is one of the highest skills and challenges within humanity. To get into the power of flow.
Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. was a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher and lecturer. And David Hawkins describes in very scientific terms detailing human experiences via a map of consciousness and by it every human perception state possible. Including flow. The flow (power) state appears within the levels of consciousness model at 500 (love) and higher levels
To make it practical; "everybody can get in a flow state via intent". Just state the following sentence ; "i just now love to ..... " And fill the dots with your personal choices. And so that ...... you love to. Love is connect to the flow state. So anything that you love to .... will generate flow.
A flow state synchronizes at the same time; Motivation, Action and a Positive triggers.
So these three things happen at the same time under your control;
Motivation (HR), Action (HRV) , Positive triggers (Power).
Flow will happen when the positive trigger is intently positive. A positive trigger can be internally setup or externally setup.
A positive trigger generates positive emotions such as indicated by the green arrow in above graph; representing expanding energies into potentiality. Above levels of consciousness map is taken from David R. Hawkins essential contribution to humanity and could be reviewed in any situation. Although many cultures have incorporated theories of the layered consciousness into their belief structure. David Hawkins was one of the first (next to Maslow hierarchy) who brought the Levels of Consciousness into a map.
From a radical subjective truth standpoint any activity or being in a state of love .... (so from LoC 500 upwards) you are in a flow state.
The uniqueness of David Hawkins contribution to humanity comes from the advanced state of spiritual awareness known as ” Enlightenment. Describes 500 as; https://youtu.be/ucTTwKn_dx0
W?ant to measure you flow level? click here; www.follow-flow.com
Want to have flow insights? click here; flow coaching