Have Your Employees Police Themselves: Benefits of Gantt Charts in Core
One of the biggest problems employers are facing with their projects is the misuse of resources. But if employees don’t know the budget or deadline for a project, it is easy to lose track of time and resources being used. This leads to inefficiency in your spending and overall project management...which further leads to less resources and delays…and less money.
But how do you make employees aware of this problem?
Communicating your resources and timelines
This is where task allocation and workload scheduling comes into play. The Allocation & Forecasting feature in Core is an excellent tool to get your employees involved in their daily work scheduling and in setting the right expectation. To top it all, Core offers a Gantt chart to see the allocation of tasks visually. Typically, a Gantt chart uses vertical and horizontal bars to display allocated tasks and resources for a project in a simple way. With Core, you are able to not only view Gantt charts for projects and employees, you are able to interact with it as well. To take it further, you can also predict the workload and revenue of the project as well.
Click here for a short video on allocating resources and forecasting using Core.
Forecasting for a brighter future
With the ability to adapt and adjust based on your needs, the interactive Gantt chart in Core allows you to communicate visually the expectations from an employee and the progress of a project - instantly. No wait time, no hassle.
Core also allows you to set notifications, for yourself or your employees, when a task has been updated or completed. With your team always aware of the progress of the project, you don’t have to worry about policing your employees. That means greater efficiency and more time to spend on doing what you really are passionate about.
Click below for your free trial of Core so you can start forecasting for a brighter future!