Have you used your credit card at a store only to be asked ridiculous questions? Is this amount correct?
Robert Frantz
Frantz Enterprise Marketing - Frantz Locksmith Service - All Locksmith Services, Inc DBA Jeff's Locksmiths -Advisor & Rep Innovative Locks & Keys
I went to the store tonight and brought my purchase to the checkout counter. There was a woman in front of me and was taking a long time to process her purchase. I looked at the clerk and said the credit card processor seemed to take much longer lately than simply paying with cash. The lady gave me a dirty look and the clerk began to chuckle.
The clerk ran my items thru a scanner and asked "Cash or credit?". I responded "credit". After I put my new chipped card in the machine it began asking me a slew of questions? I just wanted out by now as I was there almost 15 minutes in line and now discovered why the lady in front of me took so long, TO MANY QUESTIONS!
Among those questions was "Is this amount correct?"
How in the world would I know unless I took a calculator and tallied up my items and figured the tax before I get to the checkout. I asked the clerk "Is my amount correct?" He answered "I don't know, I scanned it so how would I know."
That is just not an answer that allows me to blindly trust the transaction. So I tallied my items before I agreed to push "YES" like the woman in front of me.
What a time suck!
Let's say the amount is incorrect and you click the button that indicates it is. What happens then.
Do all of your electronics always function? Do they fail? Do you trust your electronics and believe nothing can go wrong?
This year it will come to pass that when you take a credit card without a chip you will be liable if the card is not good. Did you know that?
Is this another ploy by big corporations to shift responsibility for any possible error to the unknowing end user? If any of their products can be breached they should not be used at all. But they will as the money they rake in will be a much larger percentage than what will be paid out in claims.
Sounds like the Pharmaceutical industry more and more. Side effects "DEATH"!
Your thoughts please.