Have you tried ENOUGH??

Have you tried ENOUGH??

Recall a goal where you had quit in between by giving a reason to yourself “I have tried enough times” …

Can you recall any such incident? It may have occurred during personal life or professional life…

Now, make a list of….

1.      All the things you tried to achieve your goal; and

2.      How many times did you try to do things which were required to achieve that goal?

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Take your time to prepare that list. Please don’t be lazy! Its not for my benefit but it will give you insights…


Now after watching that list, do you think you had tried enough things and put in required time to make it happen?

I believe, NO!

However, I may be wrong, but this is what I have observed multiple times while discussing with others. Most of the time, their response is somewhat like this “We have actually not tried enough and left before we could get any results”

If you can resonate with this, my question to you is?

WHY did you quit assuming you have tried enough things?

Did you quit -

  • because of self-doubt?
  • because of social circumstances?
  • because you were looking for perfection?
  • because it took loner time than you expected?

Take your time to think about it… if you feel not doing this exercise, read ahead and I am sure you will execute it…

Alright, let me share one real incident with you which will show you why I am asking you to do this exercise…

Are you ready?

OK, lets start...

I was discussing with one of my friend about his dreams and goals. I thought to ask him and here is our conversation…

Me: So, where are you at your goals? What’s the progress?

He: It didn’t work out hence I have quit on that.

Me: What! Why did you leave it?

He: Because I tried everything enough times, but it didn’t work out…

Me: Great, so tell me what all things you have tried?

He: His face expression changed immediately…

Me: Tell me brother, what did you try, and I will try to help you...

He: 1. ---------------------

      2. ---------------------


Me: I told him these are only 2 things that you tried. Tell me more what have you tried?

He: This is it! I have tried only this.

Me: Like seriously? You mentioned that you have tried enough things many times. This is ENOUGH as per you?

He: He was speechless!

See, the purpose of telling this story is not to demean anyone.

The only purpose is to emphasis that we may think we have tried enough BUT it is important to evaluate to find out what we have tried actually?

Now, think about your goals and what have you tried in the past?

Even I used to think that I have done enough and there is no scope of doing more…

This is I have learnt from my first mentor Dan Lok (The King of High-Ticket Sales) that always evaluate what have you tried till date and how many times?

Make a list 1 2 3 ………   Be very very specific?

After that, ask a question to yourself…. Is there any other way which I have not found or tried?

Most of the time, you will realise that there are couple of things which we have ignored or not considered before coming to the conclusion that “I have tried enough things” and “I have tried enough times” …

One thing which I can say from my personal experience is that, after you try really enough times, you will see the result… and Let me tell you that result will be awesome and you will have a jubilant experience

What makes me comfortable saying that? Do you want to why do I say that?

Let me share my personal incident…

I am member of Toastmasters International. If you don’t know what Toastmasters is, let me tell you in brief…

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Toastmasters is an international organisation spread across the globe aiming to providing an opportunity to empower people to become good at public speaking and leadership skills.

Let me tell you my story…

One day I was browsing on LinkedIn and I found one post by Toastmasters International mentioning about #MyWhy movement. Purpose of this movement was to encourage members to share their WHY of joining toastmasters.

I found it interesting and thought to take up this challenge. I had to make a video explaining my WHY and upload on LinkedIn.

I took this challenge. I wrote what I wanted to speak. Now, came the main part wherein I had to shoot video of myself explaining my WHY.

I revised it almost 15-20 times. After I was comfortable with memorising, I started in front of camera and I said…

“Hi”…………………… (blank). I went blank and stopped recording immediately. I got nervous.

Then I again revised it and started recording.

“Hi, My Name is Shubham Mittal” …………………… (blank). I again couldn’t make it.

Then my best friend suggested me to stand in front of mirror and rehearse multiple times.

I tried speaking but I used to forget after 1 line or max. 3-4 lines….

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I lost my confidence because I was not able to do it. That day I realised how difficult it is to come in front of camera.


I gathered my courage and started again. I was little bit comfortable, but I kept going revising in front of mirror.

After some time, I told my friend “Let’s shoot it now, I’m confident NOW”

I started recording. I was speaking better than before BUT again I went conscious and forgot after 15-20 seconds.

This was low moment because I was not able to do it. But my friend appreciated my efforts and made me understand that, it happens when you do it first time. She encouraged me.

Then I again tried revising and spoke in front of her many times...

Just sense this, when you are trying but you are frustrated and devastated because you are not able to do it…

Then, after some time I felt, I should try now…

I took 10 deep breaths and stood in front of camera. I started speaking and went unconscious again… hahaha…

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Then I gathered my courage and told myself “THIS IS LAST TIME AND I WILL DO IT ANYHOW”

Guess what?

I completed that video. Let me tell you one more thing…

Guess what was the length of the video?

It was 46 seconds only.

I took 65-70 trials to make a 46 seconds video!

Story doesn’t end here. Then it was my turn to upload that on LinkedIn. I was afraid like anything because many fears…

What will my friends say? What if nobody likes it? And many more…. I was hell nervous and afraid…

Then I took courage and uploaded that video….

Within 1 day, I got so many likes and comments that I was super happy. More likes was increasing my happiness to next level because after so much efforts I could feel the sense of ACHIEVEMENT.

Within few days, it had around 5,000 views and 100 likes with many comments!!

Then I realised one thing…


If you are reading this, please consider my personal message to you and IMPLEMENT IT:

Whenever you think I have done enough things and enough times, ask yourself one question…

“Have I really tried everything and whether have I tried enough times”?

If your answer is No, then don’t wait and do it again and again till you achieve your goal…

Thank you for reading.

Your friend,


Ujwal Vakharia

Investment Banker | CA (AIR- 12, 32, 47) | Ex-KPMG |

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CA Sunil Goyal


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Yathiraj Agarwal Making Businesses Profitable

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Absolutely Amazing? @Shubham


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