Have You Set Up Your "Thrive" Temperature?

Have You Set Up Your "Thrive" Temperature?

This year I've been blessed enough to get my year off to a great start with an intimate virtual workshop constituting a small group of brilliant women who come from what in my opinion are awesome backgrounds. When I was busy hustling trying to get enough cash to send my little sister to school and keep us out of the streets, they were all busy getting degrees and all kinds of cool labels attached to their names :-) (how fortunate).. Now, I said in my opinion because it doesn't really matter what kind of background anyone has, everyone has a story and a set of challenges that comes along with that story to give them a platform for unleashing greatness.

One of the main focal points during our time together was something I realised even individuals with great backgrounds and outstanding formal education need a bit of help with. What am I referring to? something I tagged as the "thrive" temperature. By now it's quite clear that successful living is possible for any individual, anywhere in the world. Being modern individuals entering into the digital economy we have access to more choices, opportunities and channels of wealth than ever before and while more and more people are enjoying the benefits of the current times, majority are those who can't seem to match their hard work with rich and fulfilling results.

Are you running your life with a thermometer or a thermostat? Do you merely reflect your environment or do you change it?

If you want a thrive temperature that matches and sustains the kind of awesomeness you promised yourself you'd create this year, you need to get access to the aspect of you that can actually regulate your current temperature. A thermometer will in no way help you achieve this, you need some courage and awareness of how to access your inner thermostat where you have the power to produce effective results that actually stick. Most people aren't even aware that their mind has an aspect that acts like a governor that determines how much success can be entertained and so they tend to get frustrated when what they accomplish feels so little compared to all they are doing.. Ever experienced that? Are you or someone you know currently wondering why you're unable to hold on to the money or success that comes in? Or perhaps it's the reverse, - that all your hard work isn't moving a darn thing in your physical results. If so, then permit me to take out the mystery behind it so you can once and for all take wise actionable decisions to move you past this.

You are destined to thrive not just in some things but in all areas of your life. Success isn't something you fight for or chase after; you were born successful and just need to learn how to claim it into your experience. Growing up however, may have had patterns set up in your mind (which creates your results), in a manner that constricts the amount of successful living you can actually enjoy. How would you determine if this is the case? Well first you would need to check you temperature.

? How much do you feel and believe you're thriving in the different areas of expression that matter to you?

? Do you feel held back, stuck, overwhelmed, not productive enough or do you feel like you're unleashing your potential? 

? Does if often feel to you like the things you care about are like unstable roller coaster rides that never quite settle down?

? How quickly does a new idea go from exciting you to exhausting you?

This is like taking a normal thermometer to measure your body temperature except this time you're measuring your life's temperature. If you are bold enough to do this well, you'll know which areas need a little improving in which case the next important step comes in:

You need an awareness over what regulates the temperature of your life. Although the thermometer is wonderful because it tells you where you currently are, it cannot help you change or improve anything. All it does is make you aware of what's going on. Beating up on yourself or the thermometer is of no use or value and that's precisely why my methods of operation are more unique than what others promote (mostly because I actually tested those hardcore methods and no great result was attained). So what is the best way to getting yourself the kind of temperature that makes you happy?

Set Down The Thermometer And Find the Thermostat:

Think of this, now that we are in winter and our heating systems are keeping us warm, when someone forgets to shut the door or the window and the temperature drops, the thermometer will help you see there's an issue but it's your thermostat that comes in to regulate and resolve things isn't it?

Many of us aren't aware that our mind actually has an aspect of it that acts as the thermostat does. And we are required to first get in there and reset that button, increase the default temperature and "set to normal" something higher than ever before, if we want to start manifesting bigger, better and more beautiful results. Unless you actually set up a new normal default for yourself, chances are you're running on what your parents, environment and other influencers impressed upon you before you had conscious control over your mind. There's nothing wrong with that and they certainly gave you the best they knew how, but isn't this your life? Don't you want to be the owner of your life? Then you need to  deliberately set up the programming running your life now.

What is the Thermostat in the Mind?

It's called the self-image. Now when I started playing with some of these ideas, it wasn't easy to get it at first, I couldn't figure out what this had to do with the conditions of my life, but it's only because I gave it a chance and worked on my self-image that I realised how important this concept of self is. You will never out-perform your image of self and if you're normal setting is low, then thriving and keeping a high temperature of success in your life will be a great battle. You will always feel like life, the world, people, circumstances are just attempting to pull you down.

In truth, it's your self image trying to regulate itself and keep you at that lower level. So this isn't just about working hard or knowing the right way to do things, rather it's about ensuring that you stop self-sabotaging all the stuff you have set in place already to help you create a good quality of life. Now I have a more in-depth piece on this topic and I invite you to spend some time on this if you haven't worked at it before.

There is a temperature currently running your  physical body and the body of your life. Assuming you are relatively healthy, your physical body is thriving under the right temperature. But do you know the temperature of your life conditions? Are you currently set on a temperature that's high enough to nurture a thriving personal and professional life? In my article I share with you a simple way of changing up your "thrive" temperature now and always as you continue to evolve and grow into a bolder more beautiful you.

Missed out on the article link in the post? no worries, happens to me all the time :-) Here is the link once more: Changing The Feeling Of Self

With Love..


Chigozie Ezugwu

Convener and Host, Startup Abuja Conference

8 年

This is powerful. Thank you so much, Janette, for putting this piece together.


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