Have you secured your business data?

Have you secured your business data?

Many companies are putting budget aside to secure their networks from external breaches in order to secure their business data including customer and employee information. This helps with a number of things one of the most important being the data protection act.

One thing that many companies do not take into consideration is the threat from internal sources. These could be intentional or accidental data breaches.

A recent report carried out by Intel Security showed that 43% of data breaches are from internal actors. see image below from the Report (Grand Theft Data).

Also within the report it breaks down the type of information that was leaked along with the source type above.

Internal actors can be employees, contractors and third party suppliers. All of these need access to certain information at certain times but keeping secure control of your documentation can be tricky.

A company needs to have the flexibility of sharing the correct information with the correct people at the correct time. Putting in place a robust and user friendly Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution can give you and your business piece of mind while maximising productivity to your knowledge workers. A project of this sort should not just look at technology though, as process enhancement and awareness are a major factor in implementing secure environment.

Konica Minolta look at People and processes first and once these have been mapped out we then look at how we can best utilise technology to help. Without taking a look at all three areas businesses will struggle to find a solution that best fits everyone.

Ashley Dyer-McConnell

Lead IT Business Analyst

8 年

Interesting point and one that is easily missed, it would be interesting to see a monetary value against the stats.

Marcello Sambartolo

Go-To-Market. Change. Disrupt. Create Opportunity.

8 年

Informative and to the point. Great article Andy Emery!


