?? Have you read the new NCS investor guide?
Hi there,
Thanks for coming back to our newsletter, we hope you've had a good couple of weeks. Perhaps you've been to London Climate Action Week? Or maybe you've been busy reading all the new reports that have recently dropped? Either way, we're here to help you catch up with any news you've missed.
In this edition, you can find a summary of the new investor guide for companies and financial institutions and a company update about our work with the Mercedes-AMG?PETRONAS F1 Team. As always, we've also gathered lots of news articles on climate, nature and the VCM. We hope you enjoy it.
Don't miss this report
What's new? NCS Alliance, in collaboration with WBCSD, the Forest Investor Club (FIC), ERM and its Sustainability Institute, has released a new guide to help investors and financial institutions navigate natural climate solutions in the VCM.
So what??Despite the essential role of nature in global climate mitigation, there remains a large gap in funding for natural climate solutions.
At present, 80 percent of the total amount of finance flowing to nature comes from public sources with the private sector only contributing a small fraction.
But companies and financial institutions could help scale these all-important solutions, if only the investment process were clearer.
What can I expect from the guide? As well as setting out the business case for natural climate solutions, the guide divides the investment process into clear stages:
1?? Build a business case
2?? Plan for investment
3?? Conduct due diligence?
4?? Create a fair revenue-sharing plan
5?? Integrate legal considerations
6?? Implement MRV systems
What else can I read in the guide? Well, we are obviously biased here, but there is a case study on Respira's investment structure and due diligence sequence that we'd recommend you have a look at.
Can you say more? Yes, so the case focuses on Respira's decision to enter long-term offtake agreements with our project developers.
It also covers the questions we ask during our preliminary screening phase for projects including: "Does the project meet minimum volume requirements? Can it be scaled?" And "Is there strategic alignment between the project and investment fund?"
News from the field
Makame Savannah, developed by Carbon Tanzania, features in an EU-funded paper on opportunities and challenges of the green transition for pastoralism and indigenous people in Africa. The case study discusses land rights and Participatory Land Use Planning (PLUP).
Carbon Tanzania has released a 9-minute video going into greater depth about its work in the Ntakata Mountains. It offers an in-depth view of the project, with interviews, beautiful imagery and stories of how carbon revenues have been spent. Check it out on YouTube here.
Respira's News
Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 is purchasing credits from one of Respira International’s flagship portfolio projects,?Blaston Regenerative Farming, to support its 2030 emission reduction targets. Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 said:
“We are purchasing nature-based carbon removal credits from Respira International to compensate for residual carbon emissions in our footprint today.
Here, we’re not just capturing carbon; we’re enhancing soil health, boosting crop productivity, nurturing biodiversity and empowering farmers with new revenue opportunities.”
Dates for the diary
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Respira International is an impact-driven carbon finance business. Respira’s high-quality carbon credits allow corporations and financial institutions to mitigate their environmental impact. Respira channels private capital into climate solutions ensuring long-term relationships with trusted carbon project developers that enable its clients to use predominantly nature-based solutions to build sustainable, climate-positive businesses and portfolios. Respira’s team combines deep and varied experience working in global financial markets with a robust understanding of carbon project development in leading international conservation organisations. Respira operates with an innovative offtake and profit share model which reinvests back into local communities.?