Have You Noticed?

Have You Noticed?

This morning as I was looking out our back window, I noticed that the once green trees were no longer green. They had actually turned YELLOW.

So weird, right?

I know I shouldn’t be that surprised as I’ve seen this happen periodically throughout my life, but I was TAKEN BACK a bit


Well, because it just came as a bit of a SURPRISE. “When did this happen?” I thought to myself. Have I really been so DETACHED from the world around me that I hadn’t noticed the changing leaves on the trees in my own back yard?


I’ve have been moving at a blinding pace the last few months. I’ve been so ABSORBED with getting everything done, that I forgot to stop and SEE the world around me. Fortunately, I've finally found some time to catch my breath… and suddenly… there they were.

Beautifully golden trees, right in MY BACK YARD.

I know it may seem a little silly, but this experience has reminded me how easy it is to power through life and forget to notice the world around us. I DON’T WANT TO LIVE MY LIFE THAT WAY.

I want to be PRESENT, even amidst the CHAOS. And thankfully, I received my reminder today.

If we aren’t careful, we will wake up 20 years from now wondering what all that craziness was really for. Wondering if it was all WORTH IT.

So, I guess today’s email is as much of a reminder to me as a gentle nudge to us all, to slow down. To notice the trees and the beauty all around us. To notice LIFE. Because in the end, it’s only in the present that we get to actually experience life.

DID YOU NOTICE anything today? If not, maybe take 2 minutes to slow down, feel your body, focus small, and notice the little things all around. Because in the end, it’s the LITTLE things that make the BIGGEST difference.

Here’s to your journey in our world, my friend


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