Have You Met IVA?
Integrity, Vulnerability, and Authenticity?- IVA
IVA is the first lady of business credibility.
We can hardly function without her vouching for us.
She asks and answers the key question: Are you real?
You know the answer, but the clincher is how people perceive you. Do you come across as real? If not, you are paying a high price because your credibility account is overdrawn in the minds of people over whom you wish to exercise influence.
People have built in radar censors for character. Three qualities will not only help you become real in the perception of others, but in reality, itself.
Those three qualities spell: IVA
Integrity is what you are when no one is looking. It is how your values, attitudes, and behaviors are integrated in your life. It is?an invisible inner quality that always, ultimately, manifests itself outwardly.
Vulnerability is your willingness to let other people examine your life and test the quality of your consistency. It is your willingness to risk rejection and pain because you are confident in the core values of your life.
Authenticity is the result of the first two. it is what makes you unique and real. It is what verifies your claims and makes you a credible person that anyone would desire to deal with.
Remember, people want to do business with folks about whom they can say three things:
Keep up the good work and keep the dream alive!