Have you made any of these?
Sometimes, in spite of the best intentions, things just don't according to plan.
So, last week I had my free 5-day challenge. I had 900 clicks on the registration page but only 8 people joined. I was so irritated! So I reached out in a group, shared the link, and asked for some help...
What was the issue?
The button and explanation of the challenge DIDN'T SHOW UP on the mobile version.
Wait. WHAT?!#@?
I know better.
I KNOW I should have previewed the page on mobile and tablet devices, as well as computer. But I didn't.
That's just one example of a silly mistake that we (entrepreneurs) can make. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has made this mistake or the other 3 I've listed below.
3 More Silly, Common Mistakes
1. Not checking the link first! It can be really easy to type the link in our content and super-easy to not click on it to make sure it works before publishing our work. I have clicked on links before from others and was taken to a "404 NOT FOUND" PAGE.
And I've been guilty of this, too.
I think that sometimes our hands can type faster than our brains and we reverse a couple of letters, which can make a huge difference in where our readers are led!
So, to avoid this silly mistake, click on EVERY LINK in your content to make sure it takes the reader where you want, and where they expect, to go.
2. Using images from Google: Many of the images that show up on Google when you search for images actually have royalties. You can go in and search for royalty-free, but there's till a chance you could be using an image that someone else owns. Using it without their permission can put you in hot water. I did this with an image a few years ago - I searched to make sure the image could be modified and was royalty-free. But it wasn't.
I got a nasty email from the company and I promptly took it down.
There are sites you can grab photos legally for free or for a fee. But, to be honest, my favorite place to get images is in the Pro version of Canva. They have many images that other sites, like istockphoto, charge for. And since I'm grabbing it from Canva and creating it for my content there, if I were to get a notice that it was protected, I could turn it over to Canva and let them figure it out.
3. Inconsistent follow up. Boy, that's a biggie! I am committed to building the "consistently habit" in Q4 so as we roll into 2021, I'll already have this bad-boy silly mistake eliminated.
I have already laid out my calendar for the next 12 weeks for what my blog posts will cover each week. Next, I'll find 6 funny memes I can add in each newsletter. And I'll be on the lookout for helpful tips, strategies, and tactics.
I'll track all this on a Trello board and continue to add to it each week. And use the Trello board to help me deliver consistent content consistently. ??
And... drum roll... I'll put a repeating reminder in my phone to look at the Trello board! This will keep it top-of-mind and help me develop consistency. And if I look at the notification and haven't taken action, it will drive me crazy until I do!
So, there you have it. Three silly mistakes we make that are easy to fix.
What's been a crazy mistake you've made? Please hit reply - I'd love to hear from you! And it would be fun to write another post sharing more of our "silly mistakes"!
P.S. If you are struggling to figure out what to write about or do lives on, Allie Bjerk has 365 day calendars for posting and other ones for livestreams. They really open up the mind to possibilities, which I love! They are really inexpensive - I'm thinking it was $29 when I bought it. Go to her page, alliebjerk.com, click on "Tiny Offers" and scroll down to the bottom for 365 Livestream. DISCLAIMER: It's not an affiliate link. I don't think she has an affiliate program. ??